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Land Question


New Member
Last season I ran into a situation that I had not come across before.My son and I were hunting private ground that the property owner had given us permission to hunt on(we have hunted this for years).We ran into a guy from out of state that began to give us a hard time about us hunting there.The out of state guy had received permission from the farmer that leased the farmground.Who is in the right in this situation.
I guess that kind of depends on the agreement between the landowner and the farmer. In some instances, the farmer has the hunting rights while in some situations, the landowner retains the hunting rights. You should try to find out the agreement prior to this season
Limb is right on the money with that one. But that does not mean the tenant has seen things that way and there is need to clarify. The owners relationship with the farmer may take priority over yours. Handle it with care. Good luck.
Sorry Ironwood. I am fairly confident that you and Limb have this one backwards. The tenant has all of the rights on the leased ground unless the landowner specifies otherwise in the lease contract.
Yes 150 is right unless otherwise specified the tenant of the land has all say of what happens to that land ie: hunting, trapping, fishing, burning unless otherwise noted by the landowner in the signed lease, so unless specified otherwise the tenant has free reign, this has come in handy during my college rental years
yep these boys have it right. when you lease farm land, you have the all rights to it. makes it tough to get permission on new land sometimes. i usually start with the landowner, and go from there
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