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Landlocked City Owned Property - Zone 5


Active Member
I and heading over to scout some public properties in Zones 5 & 6 Feb. 25/26. Have heard there was a piece of city owned property landlocked by water & private land in zone 5, but haven't been able to identify. If anyone is familiar with such a property can you please PM me? I have 4 points and can draw any year. Thanks.
I and heading over to scout some public properties in Zones 5 & 6 Feb. 25/26. Have heard there was a piece of city owned property landlocked by water & private land in zone 5, but haven't been able to identify. If anyone is familiar with such a property can you please PM me? I have 4 points and can draw any year. Thanks.

He'll hook you up!!!!!!!!!:way::way:
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That is strange. Go check out he member list. He's not in there. I found his name under the other thread and PMed him. Thank you.
public land

I and heading over to scout some public properties in Zones 5 & 6 Feb. 25/26. Have heard there was a piece of city owned property landlocked by water & private land in zone 5, but haven't been able to identify. If anyone is familiar with such a property can you please PM me? I have 4 points and can draw any year. Thanks.
great public land in zone 5 thats all you need
Oh no it's not. I know of plenty public in 5 that is pounded relentlessly by coon and bird hunters. Worthless by nov 7th. Not happening again to me. I'm scouting for barriers to entry. Won't settle for less.

We don't know one another, I'm generally a lurker...

But, let me tell you, you're a total jerk.

Please find another forum.


There is plenty of public ground in zone 5 that isnt touched by bird hunters and i dont beleive coon hunters. Go to the big timbers. Not many folks walk too far in them. If it is city owned ground i would be shocked if you could hunt it.

There is plenty of public ground in zone 5 that isnt touched by bird hunters and i dont beleive coon hunters. Go to the big timbers. Not many folks walk too far in them. If it is city owned ground i would be shocked if you could hunt it.

That is already on my agenda. But only large ones with timber a mile+ from the parking areas. Got a few of those located. Looking for best barriers to entry now.
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Does Iowa allow quartering deer? That is what I do in such spots here in Illinois.
City owned ground does not mean public hunting in most instances.
I highly doubt you can just show up and go hunt some ground because it is owned by the city. Better check on that.
huntemup said:
City owned ground does not mean public hunting in most instances.

Completely agree with this. All cities/ townships have their own ordinances above what the state says within their city limits. Not all city owned ground is zoned for hunting, and if it is it will be in an earn-a-buck program of some sort more than likely. I would check all your P's & Q's before just assuming you can just go in & hunt.
Not that hard to get private ground permission try sc Iowa, zone 5

Tell them the situation, being here once every three years, I've had good luck w/ securing archery ground
That is weird...I live in zone 5, tons of public ground and some of my own farm boarders some public land and I never get anyone on trail cam. Maybe they are Ninja's but pretty tough to walk on water....

I have more issues with coon hunters on private ground and also bird hunters in zone 5......there are no birds down here!
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