Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Large MN albino buck


Well-Known Member
I do not know of any facts related to this buck but merely had the pictures forwarded to me by a business associate. One heck of a buck (brown or white).


What a cool buck. I'm sure my antler standards would not be as high if one like that ever crossed my path, too cool!!
Very cool! How do you hunt him in that snow? He'd be hard to see!
Thats awesome, I would definitely be dropping him if I saw him walk in (not in this state though)
Whats up with the nose on that deer? in one pic it is solid pink and the other pic it is white. Regardless those are two very nice deer.
I think this may be three very nice deer. The pic. quality is not the best but I see no drops on the bottom pic.

That is weird. After looking the photos more, the rack is a bit darker in the 1st pic than it does in the 2nd and the nose is darker in the 1st pic than the 2nd. I don't know what to think now. Mabye just poor photo quality. Who knows.
Is it real or isn't it? I'm real skeptical of this buck for none other then one very important fact.., nobody up here is talking about it. No newspapers, no TV stations, no Outdoor News, no sports pages, no measurers and no local hunters.

I could go on and on. The point is nobody has seen the deer.

Its either a real good "photo-shop" job, or they shot it and threw it in the pickup real quick.

Another thing is that the pictures didn't come out until two months after firearms season. This is when we all heard of the deer.

I hope I'm wrong, cause it would be a hell of a deer. But I do have to call it a fake.
After hearing the other responses I noticed that the buck in the top pick has 2 droptines coming off his left side and the bottom pic has none, and the bottom pic has a split browtine on his right side and the top pic the buck has no bowtines at all. Am I just not seeing them?
With such poor quality pics it would be easy to doctor them up. It's not the same deer, at least the antlers aren't. As far as the difference in the nose, antlers and hooves in both pics I think the first one being washed out could be the reason for that. No brows on the first one and no drops on the second one spells fake to me.
Could these deer be killed in a preserve? If they were killed on a high fence farm they may not have been broadcasted. My guess is that these are actually two different deer because the two pics were taken in different areas. Notice the backround in the two pics. Just a thought.

Thats pretty cool. Like I said initially, I don't know any of the facts regarding these photos. Maybe I should have left them off the site ??
Well as long as we are staring at the pics. It may be hidden but the bottom pic also has a black hoofs but not on the top. Is it just me, but the top pic right hand doesn't even appear to be on the rack at all.
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