Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Large MN albino buck


Thats pretty cool. Like I said initially, I don't know any of the facts regarding these photos. Maybe I should have left them off the site ??

[/ QUOTE ] Hey if you didn't post anything then what would this site be? I wouldn't worry about if they're fake or not.
How many states besides Iowa would that be illegal to shoot, if it actually is albino? I guess I was under the impression that it is illegal everywhere.
Why is that not listed in the regulations booklet, if it is where? I understand it is not a complete set, it states that on the last page. I came from a state that it was legal to shoot them. I would have shot one in a heartbeat if it was not for this website. How is a guy suppose to know this if it is not listed in a publication readily available to everyone.
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