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Large non typical southwest iowa



There has apparently been a very large I mean Lovestun size nontypical killed last week by a supposed muzzeloader hunter the word is that he shot it with a rifle. Does anyone have this news or pictures of the deer. Just another great indicator that we need to give the outlaws a right to run around with a rifle shooting deer.
I heard something of this earlier today but do not have a single piece of fact or information on it to back it up. I'm sure that if it as big as they say that there will be rumors and stories from every angle. We'll see in time.
I also heard a story about a 230" nontypical killed in the Corning area. The story is that a soldier, just returned from Iraq, went out and shot this monster with his muzzleloader. He tagged it with a doe tag. His story is that the store messed up and gave him the wrong tag(which could easily happen), DNR isn't buying that. I heard they arrested him and had a $20,000 bond on him. I've heard this story from two different sources. Any one else?
I have seen photos of it and it is a very large non typical not sure of the score but i am sayin 230+ is a very good guess. Don't know the whole story just heard it was shot in between corning and orient and the guy put a doe tag on it and was bragging about it. lost his truck guns and a very nifty 20 + fine.
Wow, What a shame that it had to happen like that. He will never see that deer ever again. Great looking buck. To bad the kid is a moron.
The Boone and Crockett rules allow the deer to be entered into their records by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources without any shooters name attached. So long as it is owned by a governmental entity. In the past the IDNR has scored and entered some of the antlers they possess. Usually the antlers are then placed on display in a public building somewhere.
I just was on IO checking out that deer and every time I go there which isn't often, I just can't help but think there is a completely different breed of people who post on there than the ones that call IA Whitetail home..IMO.
I haven't heard about the Corning one but word around here(Pott. Co)is that there was a huge buck taken with bow near the Crescent/Honey Creek area which will threaten the Lovstuen buck. Supposedly has 40 to 42 pts. They say the guy doesn't want publicity and may have already sold it to either Bass Pro or Cabelas. I heard $88,000.00 is what he got out of it. I'll beleive it when I see it.
I haven't posted much lately but some of the old timers on this site know who I am. I will tell you the story on the 250 and 3/8 non typical that was shot just east of Corning supposedly across the road from one of the farms I own. It was shot by a 16 year old with a high power at night and then met with a game biologist that just happened to see the antlers sticking out of the back of his pickup and a gas station in Corning. When checked the deer had just what you mentioned, a doe tag attached. The deer was obviously confiscated. Now the sad part. I had been hunting that deer most of November only to have him within 70 yards of my stand one morning during the bow season. I was fortunate enough to see him live on the hoof four times before the gun season started. I have terrible gut feeling he was shot in the cornfield on my place next to a paved road where I saw him feeding one morning. I was just sick when I found out from my wifes cousin. My wife is from Corning and we just bought the 175 acres of timber and pasture from her Uncle in October. I have another 300 acres to the south in Taylor County with 200 acres of timber that I didn't even hunt this year due to obvious reasons listed above. I spent my ever waking hour this fall trying to get a shot at him. I took off the whole month of November to hunt just for a chance that it could happen. As the story goes it did not happen. I've held the horns up close and personal and Doug Clayton has scored it at 250 and 3/8. What else can you say except that it is a shame that this had to happen to such a magnificant animal.
I hope the judge sticks it to him!!!!

This is exactly why poaching really burns my a**.
Guys can spend all they're time trying to kill a great buck like this only to have something like this happen. At least you know what happened to him and won't be looking for him next year thinking he's still there.
I hope he gets the max sentence for it.
wow, thats a bummer. Someone like that has no concept and apparently no desire to learn what it really takes to harvest an animal like that.The pure lack of respect to both the deer and the hunters who pursue deer legaly plain disgusts me.
I just returned from a 4 day stay in Corning we actually were staying there and hunting Does in Taylor county for the bonus season. I had not heard this story until some of decided to hit one of the local bars up, I talked to alot of people including this guys sister in law. She came up to us after overhearing us talk to make sure we had our story straight. This is an 18 yr old kid that went to the local Texaco to buy his tag and they gave him/printed him a doe tag. So without paying attention he tagged it with the Doe tag. The owners of the Texaco station are backing his story and are claiming to have the whole thing on tape. The deer was shot on the familys feed lot according to her, She said he never went to Jail and that he was only given 165.00 fine for using the wrong tag. However they did take posession of the deer and the family now has an attorney to try and get the rack back at least. They had cut the head off to have mounted. I guess the DNR cut the antlers off after taking the deer. I talked to alot of people in the town about it, most seem to say he is good kid and wouldnt poach...I support him and hope that he gets his deer back.
It is nice that this is cleared up and the kid just had some horrible luck with what is happening. I hope that he gets his deer rack back.
I hate to be this way but lets get real here. If you had seen the same deer 4 times while hunting your timber and one time at 70 yards looking through your bino's, what would you think. The info came from someone that is family while sitting at the bar!!! They have what on tape? The kid walking in and buying his tag. Unless they have audio on the tape having him ask for his late season mzz tag he is screwed. Oh Im sorry I thought you asked for a doe tag! Lets get real. The DNR knows what it is doing. If things come to light to back his story that are new to me then I will recant. What happened to the carcass did they say! Where for sure is his familys feed lot? I really dont know but if its no were northeast of Corning then his story has a huge whole in it. I know how storys get started and get changed along the way. I am not going to comment on it again until I talk to a few more sources until that I am sticking with the actions of the DNR and what they consider to be a illegal kill and poached deer.

If a person was going to put the wrong tag on a deer on purpose I wonder why they would bother to put on a tag at all???????? If they put the wrong tag on the deer on purpose why then would you take it to town knowing the tag is incorrect. Very strange if you ask me. I know how excited a person can get about harvesting a deer and I hope the kid screwed up because if he didn't and he knew what he was doing then I would say he probably AIN'T REAL BRIGHT!
While I dont claim that "bar" stories are the most accurate, I will admit some people didnt have the most positive things to say about the situation. My opinion is that if the story I heard from the family member is true I support the kid. I am by far no expert on whitetail but, I know that a deer that like that, close to town would be a well known about deer, Much like the Albia buck, many people had to have known about it's existance. I imagine how frustrating it is to hear about this. I am not defending the kid, or saying that he didn't poach the deer but I know first hand that the vendors selling the deer tag's can easily make a mistake. It took 3 guys at walmart 45 minutes to figure out how to print one of my doe tags last week. If you have already bought a doe tag for ANY of the previous seasons, its pretty easy to screw up and print the wrong tag for the bonus seasons Random Example: the code they use when printing an any sex tag is 123 and the doe tag is 223. So playing devils advocate here, If I were to buy a tag and not realize they sold me a doe tag instead of my any sex tag and come across that deer I know for a fact I would shoot it, I would probably leave the deer and go back to get the tag, because Like you said you took a month off and only got within 70 yards. He could not have bought the doe tag if he wasnt eligible for the Buck tag as well....The thing that gets me is why would Someone honestly tag a deer with a doe tag if they knew that they could still get the buck tag? Why not leave it and then go get the right tag? Its a shame that a beautiful deer had to be taken under these circumstances with so much controversy already. I am honestly not to happy the High Power season here in January. I Ran across quite a few bucks this last wk that had not dropped there antlers yet and I think that it will only lead to more poaching and guys "cowboying" deer as I like to put it... I hope that the truth is discovered about the situation. If he is indeed guilty of poaching then I think he should pay the maximum fine and suffer the maximum penalty. I have been very tempted to call the Adams County conservation officer or DNR to get the story straight just out of curiosity
He could not have bought the doe tag if he wasnt eligible for the Buck tag as well..

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Is that right? Had never heard that before.
He could not have bought the doe tag if he wasnt eligible for the Buck tag as well..

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Is that right? Had never heard that before.

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Not so. You could have had a buck tag already for an earlier season and still purchased a doe tag for late muzzle season. I have done that for the last couple years.
Sorry...I misworded that, trying to go back and forth while working..What I meant was if he had already purchased a buck tag for another season...it would essentially be easier to mistakingly give him the doe tag for muzzleloader.
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