trper... not sure where your are getting your source of information, sounds like quite a bit is coming from the DNR, and not saying that they are all like this, but the ones that have had a lot to do with this case are not being very smart about it. Just let me say that I am from Corning and I see this guy quite a bit. His truck, guns, nothing is gone... doesnt it seem that if this were a founded case of poaching things like that would be gone?... from what i've ever seen and heard, i would think so. Yes, the DNR DO have the head while an investigation is under way, that is all. However, seems odd to me that now the rack is cut off.. hm.... can they do that?? Also, nobody can say the deer was shot any place but where it was, at the family's feed lot. The boy offered to take the DNR officers there and show them where it was shot, show the blood trails, the carcus, everything, and they said all they needed was the head. It doesn't seem to me as if this boy has anything to hide. Would you drive into town and show off a deer that had been poached? I guess maybe to cut off the head if it had been shot illegally or something and take it into town, but as you can see in all the pictures... the body was on the deer the entire time the deer was in town. And your "gut feeling" seems like a very odd reason to start pointing fingers and saying poached. I believe that you are sickened with envy because you have been watching A buck.. not THIS buck, and a 20 year old kid has had a very successful hunt. As for the tag situation... Yes, he asked for a buck tag, they gave him a doe tag. Should he have double checked it? Obviously signs point to yes. However, I'm sure there are many people who do not check their tags, a select few, maybe.. but probably started after hearing about something like this. After this came up I looked at my tags and still couldn't tell if I had the right tags or not without somebody pointing it out to me. And no he did not have any tags for any sex shotgun season.. just to clear those questions up...