Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Large non typical southwest iowa

First of all as I said before, correct me if I am wrong and obviously you have.
If its not in Taylor county can you advise where it is? My source of information is the DNR! If there wrong then the kid will be vidicated and I hope he gets the horns back. If you think its a case of envy you are sadly mistaken. I'm to damn old for that! Remember its just a deer!!!!. I more than anyone hope it is a legal kill and he can verify his story. Especially given the magnitude of this deer. I don't recall saying that I thought that my whole month of November was a waste of my time. I believe I stated I spent the whole month of November hunting this deer. I do also realize how stories can change as they are passed from person to person so as I said before I will wait and talk to some of those that I know that are close to the situation. There is one thing that I do know for a fact though is that deer is one in the same as the one I observed several times in the month of November. So if his farm is anywhere close to Lake Binder then it is quite possible if what he says is true then he took a legal deer. Outside of that we will let the law enforcement aspect of the investigation clear the matter up. Also I am very much aware of what goes on in Corning. I have hung out there the past 25 years, was married there, and my wifes family has lived there since its inception. I hope this matter ends in a positive manner.
I do know ole walmart can screw up tags, I went in and bought 3 doe tags 2 for davis and 1 for appanoose, ended up getting 3 for davis county, didn't know it until I shot one in davis county and went to check all my tags and there was 3 davis county tags, I was pissed and glad I didn't shoot one in appanoose county.
I have no opinion on the deer or story
Rumers will fly when a bign like that is killed I just hope the kid did it right and if so bet He's sick, can you imagine, I can't!
Doing it right would be making sure you were sold the tag you wanted/requested. Sorry
, I'm hung up on that part of the story. Comes down to personal responsiblity which is a huge kick of mine lately. Too easy to blame the other guy and claim it is not one's own fault. If it had a doe tag on it, end of story for me. Him being sick, sure, I bet he is and I would be too for an honest mistake which it just might be. Doesn't change the legal side of things, though.
In my not so humble opinion, I sincerely doubt like hell that ANY of the participants in this site have NEVER made ANY mistakes or not done something that in the glorious light of hindsight would not do differently if they had the chance to do it over!!!!!!!!!!! If there is such a person on here somebody should nominate them for sainthood. Give him a break for christs sake.
If it was a legit kill and the only problem was that he was sold the wrong tag, I hope he gets the deer back.
<font color="blue">I for one think it is a shame that this great buck is the center of such controversy and legal issues.</font>

I would hope that with a story this big, the DNR would finish the investigation and release to the public the final results in a timely manner.
Hi guys &amp; gals,

HuntIowa raises a valid point, which has spurred me on to share with all of you another hunter's nightmare incident regarding receiving the wrong tag.

This person called in 4 non-resident applications during the same phone conversation for a property in zone 4 for which he and the other 3 applicants were lease members. He had paid membership dues to hunt this property, made previous trips to scout the property and hang stands and obviously never had any intention to hunt a different zone (who would?).

During the phone-in application process, he requested zone 4 for all 4 applicants. The other 3 lease members received zone 4 on their tag, but this person was mistakenly issued a zone 5 tag at the fault of the licensing agent. He did not inspect his tag upon receiving it in the mail (as many of us likely also fail to do) and proceeded with his "trip-of-a-lifetime" to Iowa to hunt whitetails on the lease he had joined. He was fortunate and harvested the largest buck he had ever harvested. He tagged the buck with the tag he had been issued, never realzing that it was for zone 5.

An acquaintance of his in WI was investigated for an alleged wildlife violation that occurred in WI. Because this person had a harvest photo on his confiscated computer of the above-mentioned hunter and his Iowa buck, a USF&amp;WS agent contacted him to inquire as to where this buck was shot (thinking it may have been killed on the WI property I presume?). This person informed the agent he had killed the buck in Iowa's zone 4 during 2004. The agent then began to "investigate" this other hunter and discovered that he had been issued a tag for zone 5. The agent then made numerous threats and contacted an Iowa game warden in that area in an attempt to have this hunter charged with an offense.

After investigating, the Iowa game warden, in combination with the county prosecutor, made the RIGHT decision NOT to pursue the case against this hunter because tape of the phone-in application proved he had requested zone 4, but was mistakenly issued a tag for zone 5 (his tag was issued within minutes of the other 3 tags that were correctly issued for zone 4).

This hunter, who was needlessly harassed, is a wildlife biologist with a large private company in FL and a former state biologist for that same state. He would never jeopardize his career in wildlife by purposely hunting a zone for which he did not have a license. He freely cooperated with the USF&amp;WS agent to help him with his WI case for which he was put through a nightmare that lasted months and caused many, many sleepless nights!

Guys, although most law enforcement folks are the salt of the earth, some agents are overzealous and will pursue a case even if they know the person involved was not at fault. In addition, many of us are guilty at different times of being jealous of another hunter's good fortune. The result is a lot of finger pointing and the best example of this is the Lovesteun buck and how the rumor mill churned for months after this GREAT hunt and harvest. Needless to say, nearly all of those rumors were unfounded and untrue.

Take time to show respect for your fellow hunters, congratulate them, and share with them in their good fortune - because someday you may also get lucky!

I don't have any first hand knowledge of the incident with the big buck in SW Iowa, hopefully that all gets worked out with facts and data, not opinions and conjecture. But I can sure vouch for the potential for a tag to get screwed up by the issuer. More than once I have felt like I was going to have to go behind the counter myself to straighten the process out. I have been issued tags erroneously already, but was fortunate enough to detect it right there. Had the dude not struggled so much I may not have been so suspicious and checked the tag so thoroughly, who knows.

Also, between all the tags I had in my truck this year and all of the tags I had for my son, I can sure see where I could have gotten confused somewhere along the line. The print on those tags is not terribly clear or large either.
I hear ya about the tags. When I purchased my shotgun doe and my two sons regular shotgun tags two of them came out with the whole left side of the tag illegible. The lady said they could replace them but told me she has talked with the state DNR and they said as long as you can read the number on the tag it was valid.
You guys might see me as a newbie here but I believe in the truth and so far I am not sure what to believe, only that your tags in Ia. are way more easily screwed up than ours are here in Wi. I thought I had it rought distinguishing between our extra doe tags for regular season and t-zone(doe only) and all of the CWD tags that they give you 4 at a time at every place you go to get tags from. I wish in cases like this that things didn't get so out of hand. But that's life. That is one of the most awesome bucks I have ever laid my eyes on and I'm sure that kid as well. I don't blame him for mistaking the tags or even looking at them. I get shook up real bad when good things happen. Especially when it comes to anything that involves deer. I would have to shake that kids hand from the sound of this so far, I would love to hear the real story although. That was an awesome buck!!!

Here are some more pics of the buck. I don't knpw who the kid is in the pic. [image]
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I hope this deer was taken legaly. If it was - I could imagine it has just about ruined this kids joy in hunting &amp; trust in law enforcement.
As for tags, I have had up to 3 reprints on the same tag, 2 on another. Sales clerks get irritated but it's their job to get it right. I make certain before I leave the sales counter that the tag is 100% legible &amp; for the season &amp; type that I intended to buy.
If you want to trust in law enforcement I'll leave it as this. Purchasing and getting the wrong tag is possible, shooting an animal before it is purchased with a legal or the wrong license is poaching. Enough said.
I agree - poaching is poaching, no way to get around it. IF that crime has been commited, then punishment is in order. Do we know for a fact that this is the case?
I know one thing. If I was him and knew it was going to be taken away and had the opportunity I'd cut the darn thing into some of the most impressive knife handles I could before I let the State use is as another great Iowa Monster to bring more people here. No offense but this big buck stuff is so stupid. It seems like almost any time someone does shoot a monster there is a whole pile of stories that incriminate them some how. Heck, if I even shoot anything close to that I will just call my attorney (second up from the vermin insurance agents) and the game warden right away. Why chance it? I'm just messing with all of you on the cutting it up thing though. Ha,Ha... How pi**ed would a game warden be after you did something like that? Would they try to JB weld it back together so they an accurately fine you?
Let me clear somethings up for all you non-military personnel. First of all if the kid just got back from Iraq or wherever overseas he would be on a military leave for so many days.
In my instance i was over there for 6 months and got to have a month off of leave. The very nice thing about living in the state of Iowa is this, if you are on military leave and stationed out of the state you get to hunt what ever season falls under your leave time for FREE!! I know this because i did it this year. I took a very nice 165 inch 11 pt and had no problem with calling the DNR to come tag it.
He also on top of that any-sex tag that was FREE can get another gun any-sex tag state wide. How do i know this because that is exactly what i did. I got to hunt Early and Late M/L any sex this year because of this rule. I feel sorry for this kid that he did not know this rule and maybe he should try to pursue it if the circumstances are right, that he was on military leave, if not then he is screwed for the most part.
2 things.

1, the kid's military status isn't a proven fact, and may be heresay

2. just because he COULD have been exempt from needing a tag, and didn't know it, he still shot a deer without a tag, and believed he needed to go buy one. meaning KNEW he was illegally taking a deer.
1 thing, teeroy, you better get your facts straight, if he was on military leave(If he was?) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A TAG ON YOUR PERSON while you are on leave. When you get done shooting that animal you call your local dnr officer and he checks your leave paperwork and verifies you were on leave, if that, and then he hand writes you a tag. Once again i know all this takes place because that is how I got to hunt early M/L and oh yeah with NO TAG because you dont need one while on leave. Maybe he bought the tag before he shot the deer and not after like you are implying, how do you know when he bought the tag?
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