Classy, as always, that Old Buck guy! I look forward to his future replies.
I don't want to hijack a thread recognizing his fantastic buck and I also do not speak for Larry, but I will say that as you get older your goals and what is important to you change from year to year, even as it relates to hunting. (I am in my late 40's now and the father of 2 teenagers that love to hunt too.)
I am not saying I don't try to get nice bucks, because I do, but I truly get more enjoyment watching the boys develop as hunters AND just spending time with them as I know the years of being at home with mom and dad are winding down fast. So if someone shoots a buck, no matter how big it is, and says the
score isn't important to's more about good times with family and friends, I can get that. Now 15 years ago I would have thought something completely different.
I can remember being in the truck with the boys a couple of years ago as we drove into town for our traditional "break in the hunting action" lunch at the Lunch Box in Douds and tears just came to me eyes as I considered that my boys and I were sharing such great times together. I told them then that I hoped they enjoyed these times as much as I did, and they both gave me the, "What's the matter with dad?" stare.
But I trust that someday they will truly understand the depth of my feelings and appreciation for these times. Believe it or not, a couple of years ago I had a
HUGE buck trailing a doe in the classic November manner and I am pretty darn sure I would have had a totally unobstructed 40 yards shot in about 1 more minute when some deer spooked about 200 yards away in front of my son. I was seriously contemplating letting him go on by me to see if he could make his way down to where my son was, so he could have a shot at him. Now once the jig was up, neither of us got a shot at him, but I was content to see my son get the chance, it wasn't about the score...
The year before that we were in tree together when a monster buck presented a virtual slam dunk, wide open shot at 16 yards. I never even reached for my bow, again, I was quite content to let my son have the opportunity, which he blew when he hit the stand with his bow!
Now, back to Old Buck, great deer, great man and a great story and I don't have to know the score of his buck to feel that way. I wish everyone else a happy and productive season, there should be many nice bucks going down in the next several weeks!! Take it from an old timer though...enjoy the times with family and friends, the deer, while fascinating are not the primary thing.