I had it done three years ago here in Flagstaff after 5 years of my eye doc hounding me at every visit. Best thing I ever did! Like others, I went from 20/200 to 20/15. They told me there was a chance that it would feel like someone dumped gasoline in my eyes and as my wife was driving me home, HOLY BALLS!!! That gasoline-in-the-eyes feeling hit hard. My poor kids had to help me get out of the car, walk up the stairs, and get me to my bed. I laid there all night with the lights off. Went for my follow up the next day and was 20/20. Other than that gasoline-in-the-eyes feeling, the hardest part was reaching for my glasses to walk to put my contacts in every morning for a month straight. The other hard part was finally throwing away my contacts. I knew I could never use them again, but it was hard after 20+ years to toss everything. Also, like Arm, I'm now sensitive to cutting onions, which I never was with contacts. Definitely no regrets, though.