Last Day Turkey


Well-Known Member
Today my alarm sounded at 4:30am...shut it off and as I was getting up a fell back asleep on the ground while getting ready. Woke up at 6am and I was upset. I was mad at myself for falling asleep, but it happens. I knew I'd regret it not heading out, with that I went out to my Jeep and packed my gun and ammo up and left the camera at home. I finally got to the farm at 6:15 and started walking. Walked out and sat under my normal evergreen and called, at 6:35 I heard a gobble to my west. I knew where he was as I've killed many birds in this area. I kept calling and he never moved.

7am rolls around and I decide I'm not going to wait for this bird because it was going to get windy. I kept calling and found myself 80 yards away from this bird in the grass after belly crawling 300 yards. He wasn't interested in me at all once he poked his head around some trees and headed right toward the growing corn field. This made me completely frustrated and I said once he gets over a little hill I'm running across this field and shooting him. I saw his tail fan over the grass and ran 70 yards to this grass patch and counted to three and stood up. There was the tom with two hens at 10 YARDS. He fan was to me and then hens ran and he turned around and saw me and I shot his head. He dropped and I had the biggest butterball I've ever shot on the ground.

Dad even came up and saw him and said "Wow, that's your biggest bodied turkey, right?" and he doesn't even hunt! Our scale had him at 31lbs on the dot! I actually took a couple pictures of it and didn't realize my shutter speed and settings were wrong until after I gutted him...even gutted he looked HUGE in the pictures.

31lbs 10.5" beard and NO SPURS.

Was expecting the camera to go off sooner, sorry for the smug look :D

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