I'm really looking forward to this season. In all there are 6 decent/good bucks (respectable says it best) and 7-1.5&2.5yr olds, 8 fawns, and 5 does(that I can tell).
I have faith that my dad will get a shot at one of the better bucks for his first bow buck(second year with a bow, first with his own).
I also have a friend that I plan on having sit with me in hopes he can get his first bow buck in 4 years of hunting.
My primary property is stacked with deer come the rut. Although I will hunt this one as well, I'm nervous because I want to hunt my hot stand at the other field due to not being able to last year cuz I filled my statewide so early (avitar pic-10/15/12). I would be happy with the 2 bigger/older bucks pictured, but the unknown on my other property is eaten me up lol I've seen some great bucks as of recently, and usually only gets better into November as far as activity goes
With a little more than 2 weeks to go, I'm nearly ready for my first few sits until the week before Halloween and November! Can't come soon enough