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Late rifle season,everybody loves it!

I read a little article Tom Litchfield wrote last week about the late anterless season,he stated most bucks do not lose there horns until after jan 31,and if they did they were more then likely 1 to 3 year olds.i have all ready heard of 2 different world class horns hitting the ground,picked up a 70 incher on public today, frozen down under the snow.a friend picked up a 83 inch typical 2 weeks ago!its funny,if you poached this deer it would cost you 15000.00,shoot it legal-priceless,shoot it today, it would cost you a 12 dollar anterless tag if you wanted to drag the 300lb thing out of the woods.i sure did find alot of shed bucks dead last year during my shed hunting excursions it seems alot of people dont like eating these smelly bucks.bowmaker i think your right on the buck only season, i am already hearing rumblings about it in a few northern counties,they must have over did it there. looks like we need to do more here i heard today litchfeild proposed the late season for next year will be jan 11 to the 31.all i know is i am going shed hunting!
I think DNR usually waits till all surveys and counts are taken and hunting seasons close before making any proposals for next season.
you are right elkhunter the dnr will not make any proposals until after the season setting meeting scheduled for the 8th of feb.i just stated that the head bio Tom Litchfeild proposed jan 11 to the 31 to all the dnr officers he is getting ready for the meeting on the 8th, i was wrong he only proposed until the 30 not the 31.after the season setting meeting then there findings go to the commisioners then after that me and elkhunter get to be heard.i have a friend on the season setting board so i am doing a little early chewing!i just got of the phone with my neighbor who is a co and told him about the spike buck i just found he was shot thru the guts and still warm,i just kicked of his two sheds,so i am at 2 for today so far.i just feel bad for Tom Litchfeild because this deer will not be able to go thru the harvest reporting system,which he thinks is gospel.
I listened to Mr. Litchfeild speak at the deer classic last year and was very impressed with his knowledge, and professionalism. Great opportunity to ask him or our other DNR folks questions in person and get in depth answers. I am sure they make mistakes, but should take great pride in the quality or our deer herd this far. There was plenty of room in the conference hall as only about 15-20 people attended. I hope they provide this opportunity again this year and encourage all to attend.
Tom Litchfield is a deer gooroo and his respected by most of the guys in the field that i talk to,he is also one of the better dnr speakers.in his findings the late rifle season for the bottom two counties is really working good for overall doe harvests.alot of these counties are harvesting 30% of there total doe harvest then,decatur was the highest at 45.6 and lee was the lowest at 12%.he also states shed bucks harvested last year,20% during shotgun,27%during muzzleloader,42%during late antlerless,so it looks like the longer it goes, more shed buck counts go higher!i was talking to a local co and he thought the season would end last sunday which in years past it would but to his surprise i told him no it goes until the 31.i am kind of bias on this since i live in one of the highest shed kill areas by litchfields findings wapello county was at 4% followed by appanoose and davis at 3.4% this was for all seasons.by my field observations in the last week i have seen 20 4 to 6 year old deer with no protective head gear on,most of these deer at head gear last week,this last week is just excessive in my eyes.
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