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Late winter party hunting with bows

I haven't tried, or practiced for this style of hunting. looks like fun though. Just like anything, you have to practice.
We take a few like this every year. Very effective style of hunting and you usually have the woods to yourself. Here a few from this year.:way: By the way, IMO recurves/longbows are the superior weapon for shooting moving deer.

Where is all the usual outrage about how unsporting and unethical deer drives are? :rolleyes: The little blue face is for sarcastic in case you didn't know. That was quite a video and looked like it was a lot of fun for those guys. I hope that it helps to point out that group or drive hunting doesn't have to be surround a section and blaze away at every thing that moves. Whether you use shotguns, or muzzle loaders, or bows, drives can be successful, enjoyable, safe, and a great way to share experiences with family and friends. Thanks for posting.
I spent 25 years pushing the islands on the Mississippi with great luck! This brings back good memories! I sarted doing the islands with family and friends back when all we had were recurves. Our favorite time was Thanksgiving weekend, because everyone was home at that time. That is how we use to fill out on empty tags. I was much younger then, but it really didn't take alot of skill. Of course everyone shot instinctively back then, and not everyone could hit a deer at 5 to 10 yards. Needless to say those guys that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn did the driving.
That was awesome. That guy with the camera about got run over both times. He needed a sword. (kidding).
Neat to say the least. Been there done that comes to mind when I watch it, but certainly never with that amount of luck :)

I agree with dor, recurve/long bow are far better for moving shots.
Great video right there...done it a couple of times, but never with much luck, just a lot of close up action.

That clip reminds me of the Wensel classic "Bowhunting October Whitetails". Still the best bowhunting video ever produced.

We tried this once. I was in the wrong spot and the deer were 300 yards away. Buddy of mine killed a nice doe on the drive though, and he was one of the guys walking. It was a new snow, and he was just taking his time and snuck up on 3 deer bedded, and just waited till one stood up and smoked her.
Its curious to me how many times I have seen guys on bowhunting sites jump all over gun hunters for shooting at running deer but now we are celebrating it as good late season fun with a bow. Even in the video at 3 yards he shot the doe in the neck ahead of the shoulders on a quartering too angle and got pretty lucky. If you can miss your mark by a foot at 3 yards what is the effective range for a bow on a running deer? If you are lucky enough to have one stop within range that is one thing, but to shoot at them running is probably not the best idea.
Its curious to me how many times I have seen guys on bowhunting sites jump all over gun hunters for shooting at running deer but now we are celebrating it as good late season fun with a bow. Even in the video at 3 yards he shot the doe in the neck ahead of the shoulders on a quartering too angle and got pretty lucky. If you can miss your mark by a foot at 3 yards what is the effective range for a bow on a running deer? If you are lucky enough to have one stop within range that is one thing, but to shoot at them running is probably not the best idea.
With practice you can hit a running deer at 5 to 10 yards consistantly with a bow. I don't think it's any different than learning to hit a running deer at 50 yards with a shotgun. Certainly if you can't hit a running deer with either weapon; i wouldn't condone such action. That's not to say nobody should be hunting this way. It's a very exciting and affective way to hunt deer.
Just to be clear there is no "party" hunting in Pennsylvania. These guys are doing pushes and tagging deer with their own doe tags. The video is very cool.
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