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Learning never ends!!! Hickory nuts!!!


Staff member
Well- I can’t leave. I’m just sitting here. Pile of deer under me. Chomping shagbark hickory nuts!!!!! Ive never seen this. Destroying them!!!! First for me! I picked 12-15 hanging next to me. Through at the deer & hit about 3-4 shots on their backs. They chased them down to eat. I have to admit- as fun throwing nuts at them as shooting arrows. :D :p :cool: :p
Learning never ends. Waiting for them to go. was texting with Curtis & Rob - so heck, this is real time…. ;)


The incredible edible hickory nut.

Maybe they’ve learned a trick deer in other areas haven’t yet.

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Watch deer eating multiple hedge balls on the edge of my beautiful foodplot last night. My one and only sit for next several weeks. Pretty interesting....
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I've witnessed this as well. Used to have a stand in a big shagbark hickory and took some nice buck out of that stand.
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