Leasing is for people that have more money than people skills. Same concept as getting a prostitute. Sure there might be less head aches and it's all yours for the time being but at the end of the day...... why pay for something you can get for free?
Leasing is for people that have more money than people skills. Same concept as getting a prostitute. Sure there might be less head aches and it's all yours for the time being but at the end of the day...... why pay for something you can get for free?
Some of these responses to leasing cannot be serious...almost comical at this point.
Do you know how much I've paid my wife in 25yrs? Prostitute could be cheaper! Lol
I have no problem where this thread went. I am happy to see some opinions besides the milk toast stuff I generally see. Why not state your opinion honestly. I am actually surprised how much support leasing has. The thing is if someone leases farm land, dont gripe to the state and demand depredation tags to protect your crops. You have 1 guy hunting 1200 acres its a trade off you need to be able to swallow. Also as far as insurance, it should be law. To many landowners are unaware that taking payment of any kind could come back to them. At least they could get enough to outweigh that risk instead of being cheated.
I have no problem where this thread went. I am happy to see some opinions besides the milk toast stuff I generally see. Why not state your opinion honestly. I am actually surprised how much support leasing has. The thing is if someone leases farm land, dont gripe to the state and demand depredation tags to protect your crops. You have 1 guy hunting 1200 acres its a trade off you need to be able to swallow. Also as far as insurance, it should be law. To many landowners are unaware that taking payment of any kind could come back to them. At least they could get enough to outweigh that risk instead of being cheated.
How many acres do you own and manage? What's your annual crop cost? What kind of taxes and insurance do you pay a year? You might want to walk in a man's shoes before you try telling them what to do!
Anyway, my point is, I won't feel bad for guys that buy land or lease land for the sole purpose of shooting a deer, when I shoot that 2.5 year old 138 incher you have named "O Tanembaum", that has been eating out of your Buckmaster Blend food plot. I will probably cut off his horns and nail them to my barn, so you can come look when ever you feel like.
If the locals want to keep out of town leasers and land owners away then they need to start blasting every 120 inch buck they see. Its a lot less fun to pay a bunch of money and not have a crack at a big buck.
20 years ago it was shoot any buck you see, then that wasn't fun anymore so we went to make sure its big, type attitude. Then all the sudden eveyone is doing it and there are more bigger bucks around. Then all the sudden out of town landowners move in cause there are big bucks around, they pay more than the cattle guy could for ruff ground just to play on. They are also the types that restrict hunting access to locals. Then the lease money shows up cause they used to get permission from the farmers. Now farmers don't own it, and the guy that does is from outta town and won't let anyone hunt anyway.
I am back in the camp of shoot whatever the heck you want, its more fun anyway. Geez how many heads do you want on the wall anyway? About the last thing I want in my neighborhood is a 260 inch bomb getting killed, and I mean that. It would ruin things for a long time for the locals.
Anyway, my point is, I won't feel bad for guys that buy land or lease land for the sole purpose of shooting a deer, when I shoot that 2.5 year old 138 incher you have named "O Tanembaum", that has been eating out of your Buckmaster Blend food plot. I will probably cut off his horns and nail them to my barn, so you can come look when ever you feel like.
Buy it if you want, lease it if you want, but don't expect locals that used to hunt that timber to let him go just because you have him on camera.