Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Ok, up front I have to admit that I don't buy hunting videos (but I'm not above borrowing them
) and don't watch many hunting shows. Still, it seems that from what little viewing I do, I've noticed an awful lot of left hand hunters (both gun and bow). It seems disproportinate with the left/right dominate hand people in the general populus. So my question is, anybody else notice this???
I wonder if it has to do with left eye dominance, I dunno if that is what you are saying but I know I am left eye dominant but I am right handed.
To clarify, lots of bow hunters holding the bow in the right hand and gun hunters putting the rifle butt in the left shoulder.

There is talk about brain side domaninace, creativity, etc. and I'm wondering if left hand hunters are more likely to be in hunting videos. Is there anybody else who had noticed this or is it my limited sampling of videos?
Alot of great people were left handed.Fred Bear was left handed, I am also left handed, but my whole life I was always told iwas a little different! As far as the videos go I havnt got a clue.
Me being left-handed was the only reason that I remembered this tid bit from college.

We were presented a study that said as you go from high school, to college, to grad school, to getting your doctorate, each step the % of left handed people goes up greatly (smarter deer hunters on video?)

The study also said that left handed people are more likely to have nervous breakdowns and be alcoholics.
As a leftie I must weigh in.

I was forced to learn to shoot right-handed. It still feels akward, but not as akward as trying to shoot leftie after so many years.

The entire world is against lefties. Every tool, every car, every single accoutrement in life seems to be built for the righties. The whole world is backwards for me.

Try running a circular saw left handed. That is the level of frustration I face every day in all kinds of "normal" situations for the righties.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I'm with you on all that bukket. I am also a lefty. As I always say "It's a right Handed world" Lucky for me I only do two things left handed , Write and shoot. Every thing else I do right handed. Strangely I have noticed that mother nature even seems to be right handed. I cant count the times I have had the perfect treestand setup in mind and the only trees around won't accomodate a left handed shooter.
It's okay though these days I just set my kids up there instead, They are both Right handed.
I am lefted handed in everything I do, although right eye dominate. I shoot my guns, and bows right handed. It seems weird to do it any other way just cause thats the way Im used to.
Nobody is screwing me, You can bet on that. It is just a right hand dominate world. FACT
I for one am proud to be left handed and it has never stopped me from killin' stuff!
Nobody is screwing me, You can bet on that. It is just a right hand dominate world. FACT
I for one am proud to be left handed and it has never stopped me from killin' stuff!

[/ QUOTE ]
I feel the same way Dan! Its tough when you want to upgrade your bow (or find anything for a lefty) a lot of dealers don't have anything in stock and you have to pay for them to order one in to shoot it. Every deer I have shot with my bow I have had to turn to my left to shoot it.
The whole world is backwards for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could this be why so many lefty's are nervous alcoholics? (According to the study that is.)

BTW, I understand that Bonker can drink equally well with either hand.
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