Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Lets See Them!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ok guys,

Lets see your favorite mounts!!! Want to get some ideas of things people have done to make a unique mount.
I euro most of my deer. Do it yourself and save a ton of money. IMO euros look almost as good as shoulder mounts.
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These are not all mine, but I think the room looks pretty good this way :)
Shedaddict...that is an awesome mount man. I really like that a lot. One of my favorites I would say.

Antlerfreak...What an awesome idea. Very unique...nice work
Shedaddict...that is an awesome mount man. I really like that a lot. One of my favorites I would say.

Ya I love that form. It was a new form that was only availiable for a short time i figured that out the other day. Im getting a another mounted and wanted to get the same form and they quit making them. :(

I bought the barrel at a yard sale kicking my self for not buying the other one. Got me a post mounted it inside the barrel hung the mount and added a coyote fur and some sheds.
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