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Let's thank Willie Suchy

Old Buck

Life Member
I came home for a quick breather from photographing/videotaping/hunting and was pleased to read comments by our Iowa state deer biologist, Willie Suchy, in the September/October, 2004, Iowa Conservationist.

He is suggesting that people get a any sex license and an antlerless license, then take some does early and be selective with the any sex license. Willie states, "It's far more beneficial to fill out on does rather than yearling bucks." Also, "Pass up those yearling bucks and take another doe late in the season if you can use the meat. He ends with, "If hunters follow this strategy, they will have better (more older) bucks in the future and will keep the deer population in control."

If you're like me and think that is great advice and good for Iowa please take a moment and send him an email saying so. I think the more he knows, and can show, that sportsmen (and women) are behind him the faster we can progress in this direction.

If you send him an email, as I will do next, post here. Let's see the power of Iowa Whitetail at work for a good cause!

Old Buck

Forgot the address. It is willie.suchy@dnr.state.ia.us
Do it now before YOU forget!
Great idea Larry. Too many times, good feedback doesn't get to the right place and only the squeaky wheels get heard. This is an opportunity to show how much support there is for good management.
Done! Good idea Old Buck and thanks to you for all you do for the sport as well!

It works. It's a pretty simple concept, just sometimes hard to follow. The results speak for themselves though. People like Larry and others have been practicing this for years. He not only is a good hunter, he has used this tool to increase age of the bucks in his area. I hear several times a year from good hunters that say man I wish I could harvest deer like so and so. I tell them than quit harvesting the 1.5-2.5 year olds and concentrate on does. I sent my note off to Willie and hope that more of you will also.

Sent my email to Willie as well. Please take the time and let him know his efforts are appreciated.

Good huntin to all
Sent mine!! Wouldn't it be awesome if the a majority of the Iowa hunters got on board with this. Imagine the size of the bucks and the health of the herd!!
Sent him one today also. Not to beat a dead horse or anything here, but the Iowa Bowhunters Association is always talking with Willie and the rest of the DNR on a very regular basis. Willie is always our guest at our Spring Banquet, and Fall Festival. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you communicate with the DNR and your Legislators. Isn't nice not having to worry about slugs flying around during the rut? The IBA does a lot more than you can imagine to protect our rights as bowhunters in the state of Iowa. If you want to see things continuing on a straight and narrow path, then I highly encourage you to join the IBA and GET INVOLVED! We are always looking for area reps, 100% clubs, and shops to become more active in the IBA. Finally to all the other statewide and nationwide organizations, I challenge you to get involved in the Iowa Archery In Schools Program. This is on the up and up, and will benefit a great number of kids across the state. This is a very important key in the hope of keeping our great sport alive, and our kids in school.


The only way for this to change is for each individual to keep talking to other hunters about it. Maybe the old mind set will turn around.
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