Thanks guys! Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to make a difference.
Several of you also brought up some great points. Thanks, for one to supertec. I think you are right on with your comments. I wish more bowhunters would take them to heart.
Anybody else want to see more big bucks in Iowa? Just send Willie a quick thanks and log-in!
I sent my email to the Minnesota DNR wondering why they can't be as intelligent as the Iowa DNR.
Does Iowa have a point restriction?
I really wish Minnesota would institute at least a 4 point to one side restriction, would like to see the slug season moved out of rut. Well I guess I have a few bones with the MN DNR come to think of it.
Anyway I am happy for you Iowa hunters for having such an intelligent deer biologist.
MNhunter. You are correct. You have some challenges with your dnr getting them to manage for any kind of quality bucks. The good news is you have an organization working to accomplish this very goal. It is the Bluffland Whitetails Association, .
This is from their website....
Bluffland Whitetails Association (BWA) is a not-for-profit conservation organization (501-C3), created to support advances in white-tailed deer management through education, research and cooperative action.
Anyone wanting to improve deer hunting in Minnesota should join. I'm a member even though I don't hunt in MN and probably never will.
MNHUNTER - Here is a link to the Minnesota Bowhunters Association. This would be a great place to start. I know that here in Iowa we have a pretty good strong hold on all legislative issues that face us bowhunters. It's important to join in order to keep a large presence felt on the legislative front and with the DNR.
Good Luck,
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