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License Fee Increase Poll

It is hard for me to justify an increase in res. fees when you look around at the way the DNR is spending the funds they get now.
First I don't believe that every officer need a $40,000 Explorer to drive I know I'm going to here that they don't pay $40,000 for them but why do they need a top line unit like that?
look at how much they could save by buying a "plain jane " 4 wheel drive pickup maybe with what they could save in the cost of units they could pay more officers??
I also agree that a lot of the money is spent close to the Des Moines area
I would like to see an tax increase like the system that Mo. has I think that it is like a 1/4 of 1% of the sales tax is for DNR use I know it was talked about on here before but don't remember the numbers exactly.
Just my 2 pennys worth
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