I personally know know A LOT more residents that own land that are restrictive to others, to the point of harassing anyone they don't know driving down a public gravel road because they might be looking at "their" bucks.
That notwithstanding, the same people cry for the same reasons about not being let on whatever private land they want. If somebody wants to keep people out, that's their business. Spend your energy knocking on doors or helping a landowner, not whining about big bad landowners. I don't own a truck, but if I wanted to use one and nobody would let me, is that wrong? No.
On another note: what exactly does the Habitat Fee go towards? I can't drive more than 10 miles down the highway without seeing a bulldozer pushing brush back so the farmer can get in 3 more rows of corn. I mean, I live in what used to be an amazing pheasant state and just bought a bird dog to hunt grouse! Its rediculous.