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Lick Creek Blinds at the Iowa Deer Classic

Central Iowa

Life Member
I wanted to take a minute and put in a plug for Lick Creek Enterprises and their blinds. Jim Mathias is the owner they are built in SE Iowa in Birmingham. Jim is a super nice guy and his company builds a great blind that is reasonably priced and a quality product. Jim will be at the Iowa Deer Classic this coming week so be sure to ask Jim about his special show pricing and check out his products. The great thing about the blind is the plastic welded construction that can be custom sized to your specifications including window layout. I have seen them just placed on the ground or put on wood or steel elevated stands. I will never give up a tree stand until I can’t climb a tree but sitting in one of these blinds with your kids, spouse, or friends is a great way to share the outdoor experience as you can talk and move around. Not to mention being warm in extreme cold or dry on a drizzly or rainy day. OneCam and I both had our oldest kids shoot their first deer out of these blinds this year at ages 6 and 5. Without one of these blinds it would have been difficult to get a youth that young behind the gun with success. I look forward to a life time of memories as my kids grow up hunting from these blinds.

Putting up one of the blinds.
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They are well made by no means the flimsy plastic blinds commercially mass produced. The window system have tinted windows and he has a nice shoot through plastic film option as well! Jim and his team make custom drainage systems and decided to fill in their slow times making these blinds. They nailed it with this design, The big one in front of his shop I think he said was 5 years old and actually blew away in a storm once it looked like new to me. Custom size windows to accommodate gun, bow, and youth hunters is a big plus. Tell Jim you seen them on Iowawhitetail







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They are all different prices based on size and options.. Call Jim and get a quote is the best answer. They are more reasonable than you would think.
Awesome blinds! The best part is that Jim can customize them to fit individual needs or requests and that's something you'll rarely find anywhere else.

Yours looks great Travis!:way:
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