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Liquid Fertilizer for Brassica


PMA Member
Has anyone used liquid Fertilizer on brassica? Seems to be fairly inexpensive compared to normal fertilizer and wouldn't have to get rained on like urea. Also application with the sprayer seems much easier to deal with as well. I'd be interested to hear what product and how much was applied if anyone has used it.
I have sprayed mine before with liquid nitrogen before but only as a booster. My personal belief is foliar fertilizer isn't as good as in the ground fertilizer.
What is the general recommendation for fertilizer on a brassica plot? I'm thinking about putting in purple tops, groundhog radishes and rape.
What is the general recommendation for fertilizer on a brassica plot? I'm thinking about putting in purple tops, groundhog radishes and rape.
Search brassicas in the management section and get all the info you'd ever dream of
Liquid N like they spray on for corn may work
I think it may still volatize if left on the surface. If remember correct 32 %weighs about 11 pounds per gallon so about 3.5 actual N units per gallon so about 20-25 gallons per acre would work.
One side bar it is crazy corrosive be sure to wash any equipment the same day.
not a fan on sprayers- like above. One of mine is not cheap at all. Sure can be done but I probably ain't gonna run it through my stuff. Usually- I'll run (changes based on soil tests and ground) - if no N fixers planted... 65-65-65 ballpark & if I'm shooting in dark (which occasionally happens) I'll do 200-400 lbs pelletized lime- especially if in "cedar" type area- until I do get soil tests to get correct PH & treat more precisely.
We use 20-25 gal.\acre of 32% uan on all of our brasssica plots with great results. Easier for us to handle and apply than the dry products, and I believe we get a better and more even application. This has proven itself with some very good turnip crops over the past several years. Either apply before a rain and or use N stabilizer such as agrotain to lower volatility. Another option is to surface band which greatly reduces potential losses after application. It is corrosive, but as long as you wash off sprayer\tractor\utv or whatever you spray it with when you are done, it will not rust away! Virtually all fertilizers are salts and products that many of you use such as KCL (potash) and Urea actually have higher salt contents and would be more corrosive than 32% uan. You also may want to consider adding about 5 gal\acre ATS(ammonium thiosulfate) which is a 12-0-0-26S to get some sulfur on your brassicas, this I believe to be very beneficial to the brassica crop. I would apply before emergence of the crop too if possible or you will burn the leaves. If you wanted to top dress diluting the uan with water would "lessen" the burn. Good luck!
Agree with above. It can be done that way. More than one way to skin a cat. I don't see a lot of guys "spraying on p&k" but I know that can be done as well. So- with above- think through how ur gonna apply p&k. I've never sprayed p&k on, it can be done but I'm not sure how that would work for concentration to get adequate amounts per acre??? I do know the benefits of liquid p&k (often called a foliar fertilizer treatment) would be far faster break down for use of the plants.
Agree on the sulfur as well. I usually add sulfur to my dry but agree on it's use. Beans, etc it does have use. Same with zinc, sometimes iron, boron, etc. my way is having it mixed all at once in a cart and my urea is always treated with agrotain, nitrain or "smart urea".
Multiple ways to skin a cat and above is a great alternative if it fits your program. I can tell above is "attention to detail" and impressive.
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