Agree with above. It can be done that way. More than one way to skin a cat. I don't see a lot of guys "spraying on p&k" but I know that can be done as well. So- with above- think through how ur gonna apply p&k. I've never sprayed p&k on, it can be done but I'm not sure how that would work for concentration to get adequate amounts per acre??? I do know the benefits of liquid p&k (often called a foliar fertilizer treatment) would be far faster break down for use of the plants.
Agree on the sulfur as well. I usually add sulfur to my dry but agree on it's use. Beans, etc it does have use. Same with zinc, sometimes iron, boron, etc. my way is having it mixed all at once in a cart and my urea is always treated with agrotain, nitrain or "smart urea".
Multiple ways to skin a cat and above is a great alternative if it fits your program. I can tell above is "attention to detail" and impressive.