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Liquid fertilizers and rain


PMA Member
Are they still best applied before a rain (like dry fertilizers), or would you have better absorption applying during a dry period?

Wasn't sure, wanted to try one last thing to save my brassicas after the flooding of 2014.....!
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liquid fert.

Liquid fertilizer (and I am assuming you mean uan) as 28% or 32% nitrogen would need rain for the plant to be able to uptake the N through root absorbtion. Be very careful though with application, as it can "burn" the leaves severly if not diluted. Now there are foliar products out there, but, you cannot get near the uptake through the leaves as you can get from the root system.
Liquid fertilizer (and I am assuming you mean uan) as 28% or 32% nitrogen would need rain for the plant to be able to uptake the N through root absorbtion. Be very careful though with application, as it can "burn" the leaves severly if not diluted. Now there are foliar products out there, but, you cannot get near the uptake through the leaves as you can get from the root system.

Yes, it is a foliar product. It is too wet in this particular spot and a little late in the game to go with a traditional fertilizer.
liquid fert.

Let me know how it turns out. I don t have any experience with foliar feeding brassicas, as my experience has been predominantly on row crop corn and soybeans. With that said I have seen foliar feeding work but believe I would topdress with urea or diluted uan at the same time, because if you had waterlogged soils, there would be very little N remaining, and I don t believe you will get enough uptake with only a foliar product. Good luck
Yeah probably not I put urea down the first time I planted. This was just sort of a last ditch effort. If it works great if not hopefully the rye will take off. I need a rain!
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