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little help from the turkey experts

And trust me i would love to go out with someone who has some experience but honestly out here the sport is dying and there not a lot of us left . Im on my own and gunna have to get done myself. Thats why i got the wife involved.
To keep it simple and short so she doesn't get to bored. I'll take my 12yr old out and do some calling and try to get them to come in but he won't sit all day and gets bored if there's no action. What i do is find a place I know they roost often big trees over a creek or river. set up 1 hen decoy and get out there about 2 hrs before the end of shooting light. She can prolly sit still so you can do without a blind if you don't have one. Make some calls clucks or yelps every 10-15 mins and wait. My boy got his 1st last year that way (jake) had 4 poking around. 2 days later in the same spot I shot a 24lbs with an 11" beard and 1.5" spurs without a blind. Not like runnin and gunnin but getting a shot is more important that the tactic you use starting out.. Oh yeah this was on public hhunting groound also.
Thats awesome. And thats what i had in mind. I plan to roost the birds the night before and set up my one hen decoy. People tell me turkeys like to come off roost uphill so i will try to set up accordingly. We just got a blind and sitting shouldn't be a problem bc here in jersey you can only hunt turkey until 12pm. Also just bought a mossberg 835. Patterned it today with 3 1/2 in. She shot that like a pro and the guns a cannon. We both are really pumped and cant wait to get out there. Thanks for your guys help. If ya think of anymore tips/ tactics send them on over QUICK were running out of time!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL THIS SEASON
Heres my take. I have turkey hunted for 5 years... and on my property i have this figured out...

Birds love roosting over water. Theres a pond on my property and it seems like each time there is a thunderstorm, the toms all roost on the back edge of the pond. Not sure why.

Speaking of thunderstorms, if you can stand it, hunt before a storm hits... the birds will go crazy to the rumble of thunder.

Rain... Birds do not like being in the deep woods during hard rain. The rain drops hitting the leaves on the forest floor makes it hard for them to hear approaching predators, to compensate, they flock up and head to the fields... find the field they are feeding in... they will head there during rain.

I have found it is not always best to set up directly under the roost tree... i have done it on a few occasions with birds gobbling directly above my head. You will find that there is always that one hen that will see you call and alert the whole flock. You will know she has seen you, she will not fly down, she will stay in the tree and cluck well into the morning... Try and set up at least 50 yards from them, in the direction they will fly down to.

Don't call too much before daylight. A rule i have for myself is do not touch the calls until i hear the hens start calling in the tree. After they start, ill answer with soft yelps, not loud, just short and soft.

Logging roads, fourwheeler paths.... I love walking down these paths if they run through the property i am hunting. i will walk 50 yards, hit a crow call or a loud yelp, and if nothing responds, move another 50 yards, and repeat. I killed one last year at 10am using this technique.

JAKES ARE FUN! I once called in a flock of 5 jakes making chicken sounds on a mouth diaphram. They didnt know the difference and strutted and gobbled all the way into 5 yards. ;)

Hope this helps.






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My buddy kills one with his gun every year using just a push button call and some cheap old dekes.

Me on the other hand I bowhunt and go all out.

Soft clucks and purrs from one of these calls can get it done. Easy to use also.

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Cooter is right on! I killed my first and biggest Tom with one of these! Season lasted 12 minutes!!!!:D 27# boy!! Ya don't need to be a expert and use a $60.00 call!! You can make a call from a 35mm. film canister and some latex!! It will work!! :way:
Im 14 and i normally have my dad call he prefers a slate call and we normally set up on a nice tree a little off a field so we are in the shadows get a choke tube and some shells and with the right amount of calling to a tom u dont even need a deke

indiana bow hunter
U bet i will be trying all these tactics.... lots of logging trails by me all with little fields between power lines...thats were i have been seeing them... still cant locate them close to dark.. it would make my life a hundred times easier if i can roost them the night before..like i said the wife will be shooting for the first time so she would feel much more comfortable shooting from a blind. But id tell ya shes a pretty good shot for a 135 lbs women shootin 3 1/2 in. Pretty funny tho guns a cannon
I took my girl friend out last year for the first time. Here was my experiences:

3 weeks before the season we got permission to a property where we were constantly seeing birds. Every morning before school, she would take the extra "long" way to school to see if they were out and in the fields using the same patterns. Luckly they were.

Around that same time I had her get comfortable with her 20 gauge and turkey loads. 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards....learned really quickly that her range would be 30 yards and I wanted her to see why.

The night before our hunt, I snuck up to the area we constantly watched birds with a pair of binos....I had located an area on Google maps along the river where I believed they would roost over the river. Luckly I was spot on and when I lifted the binos I could make out a dozen or more birds in the trees over the field I planned on setting up in.

The morning of the hunt, I carried in as much as I was able to and made sure everything was comfortable and perfect. Long story short, the birds started to gobble and she immediately started to shake. I knew we were in trouble when a bird came in if she was already that excited. Luckly scouting paid off...4 jakes pitched strait into the strutter decoy. I coached her on getting her gun up and after watching her barrel bounce bird to bird I made her concentrate on 1 particular bird by telling her to shoot the one with the red head. shortly after that....the jake laid there motionless. 45 minute hunt.

She now has the itch BAD. Killed 3 deer this fall with bow and muzzleloader but is itching for turkey season to get here. She will chase them with a bow this season and has been practicing every day on a mouth call trying to learn "the way".

With that being said....A.) Do EVERYTHING you can to make sure she is comfortable. If you are able to afford a blind, get one. They will make things 100x better. Conceal movement, nerves, and instructions.

B) as others have mentioned and I mentioned....scouting will pay off big time! There are areas that birds will go to in certain events. (i.e. Raining, sunny, windy, etc) Find those areas and you will be GOLDEN.

C) If you can, get a decoy or pair. Better yet if you can afford it DSD's, but any decoy should help. Again it should help draw the attention away from you and her and may help you get away with a little more.

D) Make sure you know your affective range, and watch some videos. Reading a turkey's body language and vocals may make or break a shot. Videos will help with that, but more than anything personal experience will help the most. Wait for the neck to stretch out (do this though a cutting on the call) tell her to put it on the red waddles and watch him roll over.

E) Patients is a virtue. I've messed up so many birds I can't count from getting antsy. You will be with her and running and gunning is a better solo tactic for most parts. She is your priority and your scouting should have you in the correct areas. Remember a bird after 9 or 10 pm that gobbles is a LONELY bird and will come 9 out if 10 times. Stay put and call to him every once in awhile, however keep this in mind, a lof of turkeys will stop every time they gobble....and the more they gobble, the better the chance is that a hen will intercept him and he may never come.

F) Practice your calling basics. Yelps and cuts will get you a LONG way on a slate call. Dont think you have to be a pro on a mouth call to kill birds.

G) LASTLY....HAVE FUN! make it a memorable event for the both of you. If you kill a bird or not, your spending great time together in mother nature and learning things together. Embrace it :)
Thats a great post! Like i said before the sport is dying out here and its hard to find a hunting buddy whos just not out there for the once a yr experiance. Its good to see someone else getting their family involved because sharing the experience of the outdoors with someone you love or someone that means something to you is awesome an thers
nothing else like it. And your last tip is the most important..... HAVE FUN AND MAKE IT MEMORABLE !!!! LIFE IS SHORT....SO GRAB THE ONE YOU LOVE AND GO HUNTING :) ps...if i see this on a tshirt..i want a profit. Haha
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