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Locator call Question



Why do some hunters use hen calls (cutts or yelps) to locate gobblers? Isn't it better to use your locator calls to locate the tom and your hen calls to bring him in?
Crow Call or an owl hooter. You locate you tom with you hen call he could be on the way to you and you on your way to him and get caught in the middle face to face and then see him runnign the other way. I would not advise using a hen call first thing in the morning at daybreak. Honk your horn on you car if you far enough from the woods and have a little walk to the edge of the woods.
Do this in the Dark though. They will gobble at just about anything you through at them in low light periods. But I would recommend a Crow or Owl hooter for locating them. Later in the day, a Box Call - "The Mini Boat Paddle" works extremely well. Ot the Alluminator slate call.
The last few years I have been letting "rooster pheasants" do the calling for me. It's been working great, every time they cackle a gobbler will gobble. Just seems more natural, I do very little calling anymore.

I prefer mid-day hunting, using an ambush tactic nowadays. Not so many hunters and more relaxed hunting for me and the birds

Can't wait to get back in the bush!

i love a crow call in after it gets light enough out, really sets 'em off. letting nature do your calling for you is great, crows, pheasants and owls can make your day easier. but a crow call is my fav.
I don't think theres anything better than standing on hill over looking a timber at 5:30 in the morning, blowing in an owl hoot, and having 2 toms gobble there heads back at you!
Good hunting.

Counting down the Days!!!!!
Last spring my son and I discovered that gobblers make good owl locators. Every time the gobbler on the next ridge cut loose, the owl perched near over our tree hooted back at him. Did it three or four times, then started chasing a lady owl around the woods, the two of them making what could be described as "monkey noises". A pretty entertaining way to spend some time waiting for a gobbler to come round to collect some lead freckles.
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