locked up? or cruisin?


PMA Member
I haven't been out since last sunday and does were still comin in and bucks locked on. Anybody been out last couple of days seen the bucks still locked on or are the big boys cruisin yet?
I've seen both. On Tuesday morning, I saw a buck with three does standing in a corn field next to a timber. Drove a mile west and there was a buck cruising a fence line.

Yesterday at 12:30 pm, I saw a buck standing next to a bedded doe out in the middle of a large picked corn field. When I drove by again at 3:00 pm, they had only moved 200 yards.

This morning, I saw lots of movement, groups of does, a buck with two does, and a single buck running a fence line.

I think if you have a tag, you need to be out there!
Saw more quality bucks tonight (Thanksgiving) than any other night for weeks. I think part of this is due to the lack of human activity that typically occurs near my hunting spot. There was NOBODY around and I think the deer enjoyed that. They were out in the field from early afternoon to dark. Still some chasing going on.
I have been looking for a specific Buck that I had on camera. The last I saw of him was one week ago (on camera). The next day I had to kick some trespassers off my land that said they had shot a huge buck (He wasn't that big)in the back leg! I think I've seen the last of him. Coyote Bait!

Anyway, I drove around this morning and tonight looking for him up to 10 miles away. I saw several 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 yr old bucks chasing does and fawns. The biggest buck I saw was a 3 1/2 yr old 8 that was all busted up. I thought maybe this snow would get them wound up.

My obversation tells me that the big boys are still locked up and the smaller bucks are still confused. I would guess that things are winding down as well.
My bro rattled in two bucks this morning. first one a 2.5 yr old. Second a big 12, which he let the air outta. The ground doesn't get much hunting pressure, but they were responding... All I saw were does where I hunted. Hard to say...
Awesome deer movement the last 2 days...saw several quality deer with one being harvested by my buddy (PMA forum - Holiday buck). Saw another shooter this morning but was locked down on a doe about 50 yards off the road in the timber. He was locked on while she was bedded. Great time to get out and shoot a good'n.
On my way to work last night I seen 8 does and 1 140 class buck out in the field . He was running around after a doe . And then this morning my friend who I work with hit a 10 pointer on his way into work with his suv . That deer was following a doe .