Let me start this out with saying i am trying to make a sensible argument and not a spitting match..so please take it that way
You are worried about how much it stands out when it is in the middle of no where but for turkeys, I think it could be solid green and they would care less. For years DB was in Mossy oak and it worked fine. They are just that stupid when it comes to blinds. But how much experience have you had with deer with a blind in the middle of no where? mine has been pretty good when its brushed a bit, even if its in the wide open. Than i let it sit for a while.
I think this new pattern will look great when brushed in which I think is a necessity for whitetail when you are setting up and hunting the same day.
I have had some great luck with both my ground max (which is as much of a blob pattern as it gets) and the t5 in predator. I love the predator pattern. but I think this will look great in a wider range of seasons.
just some thoughts.