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looking for snow camo blind!!??

Looking for a snow camo blind the only company I've found that makes them are lucky hunting blinds! Has anyone here had any experience good or bad with these blinds and if so what do you think of them! I would like to stick with a good quality blind like double bull but I still can't believe they don't make a snow blind! Any help would be great!!! Thanks in advance!! :)
Wish I could help you, but I can't. However now you have peaked my interest. Thanks for starting this thread. I laughed a little when I saw your username - I like it!
I had a snow cover and they are a pain in my @$$!! I looked into the barronet blind but it weights a ton! I'm wanting to haul it in late season so less weight would be great!
I think I would buy an older double bull and just spray paint it white and dedicate it to late season.
I have a scheels blind(boondocks I think). I have a snow camo set for it. Not sure if they still sell them but I bought prob 7 years ago
I ended up ordering a blind from lucky hunting blinds in snow camo and it is a hell of a blind if anyone is interested in a great blind at a comparable price I would recommend looking into these blinds! Only bad thing is they are a little long while carrying it but they are built very well and good quality!
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