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Looking for some help


New Member
Hope this is the right place to post this. I've really enjoyed visiting this forum.

Just wondering where I can find out how many preference points are needed to draw in certain zones. I have 1 point and am looking at zone 7. Looking at archery but shotgun is not out of the question. Just wordering if I would have any chance at drawing this year or keep putting in for pp.

Thanks, Brian
One of the properties I hunt is right on the line, but would be considered zone 8 I guess. There are a couple guys from Michigan that hunt there and they draw bow tags every third year. I have no idea about zone 7, although it isn't a "trophy hotspot" as much as few others are, so maybe the draw odds will be a bit higher. That's not saying there aren't a lot of great properties in zone 7. Sorry I can't be of more help.
I'm in Zone 7 but I have no idea what NR odds of drawing are. I don't think it gets as much attention as some of the southern zones, so might be easier to draw. I've heard applying greatly increases the odds of being drawn. ;)
Thanks guys for the replies. Just trying to get things planned for next season. My boss has family with property in zone 7. I'm from Michigan and I'm either going to go Wyoming or Iowa next year. I just don't want to not put in for Wyoming and then not draw in Iowa. How is the deer herd in zone 7? Thanks, Brian
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