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looking to buy property


New Member
My wife gave me the ok to buy a farm. I am going to start looking next spring. I am looking for something around 40-60 acres. I will be using it for the idea of hunting. Since I have some time before I start to look what are something’s I should be thinking about? What size tractor will I need? Things like that. I like the idea of having a place of my own to go work on and enjoy. I like the idea of an orchard and I work in construction so I am looking in the dumpsters for fencing and conduit for supporting the young trees and keeping the critters from eating them. I have been reading a lot of the older posts trying to learn as much as possible. Any info would be great

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One of the best things you will ever do! Price, protection from others and having the ability to create a central sanctuary. Sanctuarys trump food plots IMO! Look for farms in which one could hunt the edges
Successfully vs one solid track of timber. Also, if you absolutely had to, could you sell it? Although we would never want to we must always keep that in mind. Look for under 2k/acre and from someone who hasn't 'managed' for quality deer hunting. Theree is more fun in building up a piece than buying one already set up. Plus its cheaper! Sorry for misspelling.....I'm in a tree:)
With only going for 40-60 acres. The neighboring farms will be crucial for hunting success. Looks for a small chunk in a big timber area for instance with some opening for an orchard and food plots. The more secluded the better for sure.

As huntyak stated, it would be cheaper to get "barren" land that is not good for much and build it up from there...kind of like taking an old beater car and turning it into something for the showroom floor.
Thanks for the info guys. I would like to get a place in the Losses Hills but does not have to be there. I am looking for something that has potential and needs work to save money, for the challenge, and because i think it will be really fun<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
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I think you should consider a property that has some CRP or Tillable ground on it. Helps make the payment or the taxes. Marginal properties are good investments, if they are purchased right. Improve the property with food plots, sanctuaries, tree plantings, orchards, ponds, switchgrass, you will be surprised how much a property can change in 5 years, especially in Iowa. Good luck.
One of the best things you will ever do! Price, protection from others and having the ability to create a central sanctuary. Sanctuarys trump food plots IMO! Look for farms in which one could hunt the edges
Successfully vs one solid track of timber. Also, if you absolutely had to, could you sell it? Although we would never want to we must always keep that in mind. Look for under 2k/acre and from someone who hasn't 'managed' for quality deer hunting. Theree is more fun in building up a piece than buying one already set up. Plus its cheaper! Sorry for misspelling.....I'm in a tree:)

This is great advice right here. You can get a lot done with a 30-50 horse tractor
Yes Hardwood tillable land would be nice for what you said and i have thought about that. I have a million ideas on things i could do, i know i just have to wait until i find a property and use the ideas that would best suit the place.
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