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Lost land to lease..

Mr. Deeds

Today while going to move a few tree stands, I drove past a 35 acre property that I have been hunting for the last 7 years. Although the ground is not mine, I had always previously discussed hunting rights with the landowner.

This year the landowner moved to Colorado, and at the time I still had hunting rights to it. While scouting some deer paths and what not today, I left through the access that comes out to the road and found a new sign that says private property - Leased to (name). How should I go about tracking down this new lease owner and trying to discuss with him my property (that is still on the ground) and my now gone hunting rights.

Not am I only upset about apparently no longer being able to hunt this ground, but also that the landowner did not contact me, and that my family also goes shooting on this ground frequently during the summer. Any advice on trying to contact the new lease owner without ruffling any feathers?
If you're still in contact with the landowner I would only deal with him. I'd first ask him if it's legit that it's actually leased out and not someone trying to pull a scam. I'd then ask to get your stands out of there if it is fact leased out.
Had the same thing happen to me. but it was 500 acres and had a couple 200 inchers on it. The landowner never even called me to offer it to me and he's my parents next door neighbor. And we did a lot of work for him. Needless to say a little bit of bad blood is boiling.
Sorry to hear this, Mr. Deeds. I've been in a similar situation, and I can tell you that it is never an easy thing to go through. I would contact the landowner, as the others have said, and depending on what he says decide on what to do next.

Personally, I would only ask the landowner if he knows about the signs. If he says yes, than I would not even bring up the issue about your standing with the landowner. The only way I would bring it up any further is if they are a good family friend or personal friend to you ---- otherwise, I would not even mention the situation to him and plan on moving down the road ,'so to speak', to a different spot.

Of course, if he doesn't know anything about the signs.. than I would obviously bring up the issue to him.

Good Luck and Hope you are successful
Camo is right. If the landowner knows about it the decision is done and nothing can change it. If not then the dialogue continues.
It is sad to see the days go by when you could hunt land with a handshake and helping out the landowner with ag help or providing meat or what have you. Times are changing and if someone comes along and offers up $$$ to lease the land you would think the landowner would offer the previous fellow a chance at it first.
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