Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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I agree. I wouldn't have passed him up either. Nice buck! Congrats!
blakesburg said:
Not huge but I don't like to pass now what I would shoot in Dec.. . .

Helluva nice buck. Congrats!

Is it just me or why are more and more members downgrading their accomplishments such as the quote above? Seems people are hesitant to post something thats not a mega buck without a statement such as whats quoted. You killed a beautiful buck - be proud!

Im sorry, not tryin to hyjack your thread, just trying to understand the mentality. Directed to anyone that posts a statement to justify why they killed the buck they did. Maybe some people have killed just entirely too many big bucks and have the bar set extremely high for themselves! :D
I couldn't be more proud of this buck! Just stating that he isn't huge in my book but still love him and the hunt was fantastic. As far as the statement.....I guess I hear others talk about passing 140-150 inch deer and wonder if I should do the same.
Great buck, and be proud that your boy already knows the kind of buck to pull back on, just make sure he knows to nock an arrow, ha. Great pic.
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