Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Well this buck earned his name, no Giant by any means, but a buck I am proud to have harvested! First time hunting early Muzzy, weather ended up being perfect the entire time.

Had an opportunity at this deer the night before and forgot to send a cap through the breach after cleaning the gun....ended up dry firing on him (cap went off but no bullet) with 15 min left before shooting light at 60 yards... Some of you know the feeling, I wanted to cry, puke, and throw the gun all at the same time...

Well my brother from another mother calmed me down and reminded me everything happens for a reason, so I headed back out the next evening with a solid west wind for the second night in a row. Was a great night had does out early, and some turkeys came through around 5. About 5:45 "Lucky" came out from the south through a big finger, made a scrape and decided this 2 acre clover plot was again the spot where he wanted to be. I fired, this time the shot made it's way to the deer, and history was written.

I am proud and honored to take this deer, mature buck that made me work for the kill.




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Nice buck! Congrats on a cool couple hunts. Not very often that it would come together like that!
great buck- trophies aren't always about inches - but the pursuit and your history with that deer!

Great buck regardless and congrats!!
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