Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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well got on stand this morning at 530 cause i had a feeling it was going to be a good morning at 535 2 spot lights light up the whole valley for approx 10 min at 6 same thing then again at 625 and 7 guess what no deer at all left at 1030 stopped and talked to the landowner and he informs me their ia a poacher loose inthe area he found 6 headless deer since wednesday i guess they have suspects and are watching close! i dont know if any one else has this problem but i think its time for some redneck justice
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i dont know if any one else has this problem </div></div>

It's been going on for years and every year it comes up here on this forum and ends up in a hearted arguement it seems.

Many of us have felt that spot lighting should be illegal when horns are hard (as it is in many other states) because it is impossible for CO's to cover several counties, checking legal spotlighters.

Spotlighting is legal...so what are you going to do? What is a CO going to do? If he notices them he can check for weapons but a CO can't work 24-7...exactly why they were out just before dawn.

I know how you feel, I have found more headless deer then I care to remember but it's an impossible battle. No amount of arguing about the subject on here will help either.

The lights themselves most likely did not bother the deer but if there were 6 headless deer in the area then they have been shootin' and that's going to affect them.

Keep the CO's # in your cell ph but unless you hear a shot there's not much he or you can do... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
here in MI. they got smart.. no spotlighting during nov, no spotlighting after 10 p.m. any other month. last year we had a deer shot on one of our plots and the CO staked out the land with "robo deer". i never followed up if he caught anyone.
the co shouldnt have to answer all the calls, the local sheriffs department should take care of most of them at least thats how it works in my neck of the woods any decent deputy knows game laws very well and will enforce them the same as a co.
I saw someone spot lighting down my street Holoween night in a the trees that line the road in a mostly residential neighborhood. WTF???? Their aint no deer there buddy. I just about got off the couch and took after them in my truck. Its the same car I saw down spotlighting where I have permission to hunt this year. It looks like a grey toyota yaris. Next time I am going to go after them so I can get a license plate.
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