man caves, arnt they great!, mine has been moved 3 times, i started upstairs, started a family (3) first room ended up being the nursery, second, ended up being a weightlifting room for my son, the last, was a alot of remodling downstairs with all the bells and whistles.i turned my house from a 3 bedroom, to a 6. spare ened up being the weight room, the 6 th, my den ,3 kids have their own room, but ive almost outgrown that, my wife uses my den to hide x-mas presents!you no how it is guys when your done hunting, not everything gets put away, only to go back and find things stuffed in the wrong dresser drawers, cubby holes ect.i have a key lock on the door, my wife has a set also, im thinking about changing it1 THIS IS MY MAN CAVE , STAY OUT! HA!