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Mandatory check stations...

Deer Nut

PMA Member
I personally know quite a few hunters that do not report their deer harvests. I tell them every year they should report the kills to help with state management as a whole but they don't understand how that will make a difference. Now that EHD has all but wiped out their herd, they are upset about the DNR still making doe tags available....
Anyway, back to the reason for my post. I know a lot of people don't like the hassle of mandatory check stations but I believe we need them if the state wants accurate data. I realize even with this in place that not all hunters would do it but I would bet a heck of a lot more people would report their kill. Annnnnd go!
I like this idea however it has it's advantages and disadvantages. I could see hunters waiting to see who is bringing deer in and then moving in to that area because a hunter brings in a big buck. Also I know if I shot a 200"+ buck that I wouldn't want a ton of people to know about it knowing it could get stolen.
Has anyone ever been prosecuted for NOT reporting their harvest? It's already mandatory, but not really unless it's enforced! Word of a few stiff fines might encourage others to follow the law a little closer.
If lockers wouldn't take deer that wern't properly reported it would probably increase reported deer as well. Maybe they require that already. It seems like check in stations would be cost prohibitive and money would be better spent elsewhere. But it might be kind of fun to check in deer, shoot the breeze with your neighbors. I would guess there would have to be a local watering hole close by as well.
Sounds like a waste of $ and time to me. I would rather have them invest their time and $ on catching poachers/lawbreakers. No matter how you do it, the same people will duck and dodge reporting their kills. I know guys that do it too. Im sure the DNR is well aware that not all deer shot are reported and there is a margin of error on their reports. Maybe Im wrong but I don't think the harvest report has very much to do with the quota of antlerless tags they issue the following year. Farm Bureau, depredation claims from farmers, etc. have a lot more to do with it than how many deer are killed in a county.
Sounds like a waste of $ and time to me. I would rather have them invest their time and $ on catching poachers/lawbreakers. No matter how you do it, the same people will duck and dodge reporting their kills. I know guys that do it too. Im sure the DNR is well aware that not all deer shot are reported and there is a margin of error on their reports. Maybe Im wrong but I don't think the harvest report has very much to do with the quota of antlerless tags they issue the following year. Farm Bureau, depredation claims from farmers, etc. have a lot more to do with it than how many deer are killed in a county.

Sad but true.

I do think that they could encourage more people to report though if the COs would at least make regular visits to lockers and taxi's to check on them and encourage them to get their customers to report. It's in their interest to have a good deer herd and people shooting deer. One of the most popular lockers around me has been advertizing on the radio the last week or two. I never noticed it before. Maybe they're feeling the pinch.
I was told by the locker I take my deer into that they will not take a deer without a confirmation number. I assumed that was the case with all lockers. The people who don't call their deer in are most likely the ones that butcher at home. And if they are too lazy to make a 5 minute phone call or get online for 5 minutes I highly doubt they are going to drive out of their way to a check station.
I was told by the locker I take my deer into that they will not take a deer without a confirmation number. I assumed that was the case with all lockers. The people who don't call their deer in are most likely the ones that butcher at home. And if they are too lazy to make a 5 minute phone call or get online for 5 minutes I highly doubt they are going to drive out of their way to a check station.

And how far would you have to drive? Checked by a CO who covers 6+ counties? Or check it at a bar like I did in one state? Who pays for the people to run check stations?

Check stations are a good idea in principle, but I doubt it accomplishes anything.
The cost is the main reason Iowa doesn't have them. They put out an article a number of years ago about it. I agree it probably isn't the best use of funds. I'd rather see the D-bag who shoots a rifle 3 nights a week in my area get caught.
The cost is the main reason Iowa doesn't have them. They put out an article a number of years ago about it. I agree it probably isn't the best use of funds. I'd rather see the D-bag who shoots a rifle 3 nights a week in my area get caught.

How about the d bags down by us who use scoped slug guns for archery season. Found one great eight point dead behind our blind. With a high entrance low exit slug wound. From what we've heard that's the way some of the locals bowhunt. You always wonder about those single shots right before dark on a lot of sits.
Has anyone ever been prosecuted for NOT reporting their harvest? It's already mandatory, but not really unless it's enforced! Word of a few stiff fines might encourage others to follow the law a little closer.

A buddy of mine got caught not reporting. His tag fell off the carcass while he was disposing of it after butchering and some person who found the tag reported it to the DNR. Can't remember exactly what the fine was but I think it was above $100
I report the minute I find my deer. I tag it take pictures and then call it in. It's a quick couple of questions.
I have heard of many groups who call their tags in regardless as to if they even harvest a deer. I think it works both ways and that the call in system that is currently in place is a good balance. If someone doesn't want to check a deer in they won't regardless as to what protocol is in place (call or personally check in).
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