I've shot the Elite GT500 since 2009. Great bow hence why I'm still shooting it.
Here's my explanation of what I was saying about a Mathews bow.
The first 3/4 of the entire draw cycle is the smoothest in the industry. It's really a silky beautiful thing. Hands down the best. Now I don't know the science behind this but when you get towards full draw the cams roll over into the back wall. That's where my issues occur. It's such a smooth consistent pull and then it's like the leftoff kicks in. You go from pulling a very large weight to 80% less all at once. There is a couple inch gap between that cam roll and the back wall. Your using all your energy to draw that heavy weight then it goes away and you hammer into a reasonably stiff back wall. It's a major shoulder strain.
Now for more positive. The hand shock is very low in a Mathews. Much less than my elite. The other positive is the ability to hold at full draw. You can relax more with any other bow compared to the elite. If I relax a millimeter my cams are coming over. This is the biggest downside to an elite IMO.
The elite total draw cycle and back wall are industry leaders IMO.
Mathews has the best front end draw and low hand shock.
I'd also recommend shooting the Hoyt's. I just shot the carbon spyder, Faktor and charger.
I'd rank the spyder 3rd because I didn't see any improvement over the other bows for the cost except weight.
I did like faktor but I don't see 600 bucks worth of advancements over the charger.
The big complaint I have with Hoyt is their spongy back wall. If they could lock that up I would buy one in a heart beat. The draw was very good and the ability to relax at full draw was unmatched.
It's just one guys opinion, but I figured I'd explain it a little better.