Mathews Switchback - Pricing????


PMA Member
I have owned 2 Mathews bows and have been extremely happy with both of them. I have also shot the new Switchback and will own one before turkey season gets here. I am a little miffed to find out that the pricing on the Switchback varies significantly depending on which part of the United States you live in. Down south you can buy the Switchback a lot cheaper than you can here in the midwest. I have a buddy that comes up to turkey and deer hunt with me and he called his local bow shop and they priced him out a Switchback at $600. The best price I have seen around here is $750, needless to say that he is bringing one up for me when he comes a long with one for a good buddy of mine. What a crock!!!!!

I've worked in the archery department of a sporting goods store that sold Mathews Bows. The Mathews company actually sends out a pricing guide for the stores to follow. Mathews suggestion retail price for the Switchback is I beleive $740 or $760. I really don't know how a store can make a profit for selling the bow at only $600. I wish I had a hook up like that.
I do not know how many other sites you visit but there are many posts about the same topic. I can assure you there is more of a range on the price of the bows than $20. My friend is very reliable and if you want hooked up let me know and I will have him bring one up for you also. That is less than what I paid for my Legacy.
hey must hunt what part of warren county you from? I live just south of indianola.
oh really what school you go to and whats your name I am Tyson I dunno if you know me or not you might depends how old you are I guess
I just priced the switchback from the Archery Den in Coleta Il. and it is $620 i will be buying one this summer.
i have heard the same thing. a guy at work has some hunting buddies from down south, and they bought the outback new for $500 last year. i have them looking into the switchback
I went to Scheels last night and shot the Switchback again. Then I just flat asked the salesman about the pricing and he said that yes the bow is priced differently around the country. He even went on to say that if I could buy the bow at that price I should do it and that he would still give me 10% off all the accessories. My buddy checked again yesterday and can get me the Switchback for $600 plus tax!!!!!
If you can get it at $600 you probably better consider it if you like it.Still don't understand how the price varies so much since it is Mathews that is suppose to set it.Why would they set it higher in different regions?
all i know is it is WAY TOO MUCH for just a bare bow(OR NEARLY BARE), when you can buy a bow with all the top-of-the-line accessories for the same price and it will kill a deer and hit the bullseye just the same! plus, $120 mark up on there bows, just to cover their advertising bill, is ridiculous and we as hunters should not have to pay for there ridiculous advertising! it's almost like there affraid no one will see it or try it out!!!
TRX it is the old supply and demand theory. My buddy bought 3 Switchback's for him, one for myself, and one for a friend of mine and he got them for $590 plus tax.

SplitG3 I know what you mean about them being expensive but it isn't any different than a car. They all work the same too but not everybody drives a Volkswagon. If you haven't shot the Switchback yet maybe you should, it just might change your mind!!!!!!!