Well-Known Member
This season has been tough for me. I picked up a bow tag so I could hunt as many days as possible during the season since I am busy with my senior year in college and run track in the spring. After not having luck with the bow and hearing my dad and brother go 3 for 3 in 3 mornings I bought a 4th season shotgun tag and decided to do some more aggressive hunting.
On May first I didn't hunt the morning because I had class. After lunch I decided to go out for a quick afternoon hunt before practice. I had been seeing a tom strutting in this picked bean field a few times so I decided to head there. After sneaking along terraces and glacing the fields I spotted a tom heading from the timber through a field entrance. I set a hen decoy up on the terrace and moved 10 yards left of her then laid prone with the gun. He walked out and headed my way but a tractor started up so he turned and fed away over a hill.
Not necessarily going after that tom I backed out and circled around to see if I could spot any more in different parts of the field. Again sneaking along a terrace I spotted a turkey coming over a hill towards me so I immediately laid prone on top of the terrace not sure what side he was going to come out on. After a few minutes he was all the sudden at 40 yards to my right so I moved my legs left down the terrace and got ready. I had no decoys so when he got a bit closer I let the 20 gauge bark at 1:45pm.
The bird weighed 22 pounds 3 ounces, had a 9.5 inch beard, and both spurs were 1.25 inches and sharp - my biggest hooks yet.
I've always wanted to take this picture
Time to grab the bow again and try to shoot my first one with a bow.
On May first I didn't hunt the morning because I had class. After lunch I decided to go out for a quick afternoon hunt before practice. I had been seeing a tom strutting in this picked bean field a few times so I decided to head there. After sneaking along terraces and glacing the fields I spotted a tom heading from the timber through a field entrance. I set a hen decoy up on the terrace and moved 10 yards left of her then laid prone with the gun. He walked out and headed my way but a tractor started up so he turned and fed away over a hill.
Not necessarily going after that tom I backed out and circled around to see if I could spot any more in different parts of the field. Again sneaking along a terrace I spotted a turkey coming over a hill towards me so I immediately laid prone on top of the terrace not sure what side he was going to come out on. After a few minutes he was all the sudden at 40 yards to my right so I moved my legs left down the terrace and got ready. I had no decoys so when he got a bit closer I let the 20 gauge bark at 1:45pm.
The bird weighed 22 pounds 3 ounces, had a 9.5 inch beard, and both spurs were 1.25 inches and sharp - my biggest hooks yet.
I've always wanted to take this picture
Time to grab the bow again and try to shoot my first one with a bow.
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