Active Member
Meathunter (Robin) and I had a great hunt this morning. We met at 4:15am and it was pouring rain and lightning in the distance. Not a great feeling but the weather man claimed it would be done at 6. We drove to the spot and sat in the rain in the car until 5:20.
We set up the blind and dekes and waited. Sure as heck, right at 6 it quite raining and the first gobble sounded off not too far away. A couple birds were fired up but flew down on the other side of the finger we were sitting in front of. Not much else for gobbling except way off in the distance. We figured we would wait them out. Over time we could hear hens in the woods that were heading to the gobblers.
About 6:45 we heard a close gobble on the other side of the tree line in a small alfalfa field. A few minutes later out walked the first Tom shortly followed by the 2nd and 2 jakes. They didn't seem too interested in our spread. We had 2 hens and a jake set up on movement.
They kept heading our way and when they hit about 50 yards the toms committed. They came right in and one of them started to beat the crap out of DSD Jake. When he paused a moment I stuck him. It was a great hit. The second Tom ran out to about 20 yards and Robin fired a warning shot at him hitting a little low.
The 2nd tom decided he would stand over by his buddy and I ranged him at 35 yards. Robin hit him good the 2nd shot and he took flight. He tried to land in a tree but that wasn't working as the arrow was still in him. He then started to glide and it looked like he folded in the timber. We gave him a half hour and walked in the woods and found him dead.
Overall, it was a great hunt!! Thanks for going Robin!! Great shooting!!
His was 20lbs, 10 inch beard 1 1/8 spurs
Mine was 21 lbs, 10 inch bear, 1.24 and 1 3/8 spur.
Here is the video. Not the best quality but you will get the point.
We set up the blind and dekes and waited. Sure as heck, right at 6 it quite raining and the first gobble sounded off not too far away. A couple birds were fired up but flew down on the other side of the finger we were sitting in front of. Not much else for gobbling except way off in the distance. We figured we would wait them out. Over time we could hear hens in the woods that were heading to the gobblers.
About 6:45 we heard a close gobble on the other side of the tree line in a small alfalfa field. A few minutes later out walked the first Tom shortly followed by the 2nd and 2 jakes. They didn't seem too interested in our spread. We had 2 hens and a jake set up on movement.
They kept heading our way and when they hit about 50 yards the toms committed. They came right in and one of them started to beat the crap out of DSD Jake. When he paused a moment I stuck him. It was a great hit. The second Tom ran out to about 20 yards and Robin fired a warning shot at him hitting a little low.
The 2nd tom decided he would stand over by his buddy and I ranged him at 35 yards. Robin hit him good the 2nd shot and he took flight. He tried to land in a tree but that wasn't working as the arrow was still in him. He then started to glide and it looked like he folded in the timber. We gave him a half hour and walked in the woods and found him dead.
Overall, it was a great hunt!! Thanks for going Robin!! Great shooting!!
His was 20lbs, 10 inch beard 1 1/8 spurs
Mine was 21 lbs, 10 inch bear, 1.24 and 1 3/8 spur.
Here is the video. Not the best quality but you will get the point.

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