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Meathunter's 2010 Bird


Active Member
I will let Robin (Meathunter) fill you in on his story!! Congrats!!! :way:



I was able to kill this bird opening morning of 4th season, but not til after a long drawn out series of calling. I got set up on my property near some public land and had 3 birds gobbling right from roost. I thought to myself this might just work out ok. At around 6 am the birds were on the ground gobbling at every call I made. They kept getting closer until they were 60 yds out and then seen my strutting tom decoy and locked up and would not come any closer. But every time I would call they would gobble, this went on til 7:30.
They eventually walked out of site, so I thought they were gone until I hit the calls again and they went nuts but still would not come in. The only difference this time was farther off in the timber I heard another one sound off .It is now 8:30 am and the birds are still gobbling like crazy and the 4th one has joined them.So put the call down and went silent hoping they were coming in,nothing. At 5 til 9 I couldn't take it any longer so I picked up the slate call and just started to run the striker across it and the bird gobbled right out side the blind behind me, I just about dropped the call. I looked out the blind to see him at 10 yards, after all that calling he finally came in and I shot him. What a great way to end my season .
21.6 lbs
1inch spurs
9 7/8 beard
Great bird & great story!

Probably a good thing you were in the blind so he didn't see you jump out of your seat when he gobbled behind you at 10 yards (at least that's what I'd have done)!! :grin:
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