Messed Up Doe


New Member
I hadn't checked my cams in over a month. All the cams were dead when I checked them on Monday. Going thru the pics I saw this. I don't know what caused this but the deer looks in pretty good shape otherwise. What ever it is it is growing fast. In a couple of the pics it looks like it is starting to break open where it is rubbing her legs. I don't think she will make it thru the winter.



Weird. Yeah, there is definitely a big growth difference just in those 4 days. It would be interesting to see what's in there.
Hopefully it will burst and she'll be fine. If it doesn't, she'll have a hard time getting away from the predators.
What causes that? I got pictures of a little buck with a growth like that last week
Deer get Cutaneous (top of the skin) and subcutaneous (under the skin) fiibromas. The cutaneous fibromas look like warts and the subcutaneous can often look like this one. I'm not sure what causes them ( I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night) but often times the deer can live through them fine. My best guess would be something ruptured (vessels) etc.. Not really sure though, so basically I am no help at all :D
It's called a goiter. Caused by a faulty thyroid, usually due to iodine deficiency. Some biologists believe overfeeding on brassicas cause this. Dunno, not a