PMA Member
It's been many years since I had a buck get away. Sunday afternoon I had a hunch where my target buck was and was between does. I sat in a fencerow, got in at 3:00, 3:45 out of nowhere he's right under me. Caught me off guard and I may have rushed the shot and have no idea where I hit him. Close shot, he mule kicked and trotted about 40 yards and stood there looking out into a field then walked slowly another 70 yards into the tip of a small, wooded draw. I backed out and waited 18 hours in case I hit stomach or possible liver? The blood was dark-ish and clean of any stomach hit, trail was good for 125 yards. Found his first bed right in the tip behind another stand, from there he headed down the draw another 40 yards and I found three more beds in real close proximity, the last spot was very little blood so I assume he did that to stop the bleeding. I spent half the day looking everywhere I could and all the creek bottoms. I'm at a loss, hoping it wasn't fatal. This is him walking towards my stand at 2:35pm, an hour before he came back through. What would you do?