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Meth labs in Iowa


I saw on the local Sioux City news last night that Iowa authorities found over 1000 meth labs across the state. That's over 10 in each county!! Has anyone ever ran across one while out in the woods?
I doesn't take much. I found a suitcase open with lithium batteries a can of ether and a bunch of empty packs of sudafed. I called the Sherriff. There's not much they can do.

methcathadone is usually made like crank, in bathtub size batches and than ran through the oven to cure quickly. lol gotta give us yoopers some credit, for it was invented right here. i would love to meet the original red neck that thought of smoking or ingesting draino and fabric softner.

moose - from what I've read it was developed by Hitler. He was trying to create a fighting force that could fight for days on end without sleep.
The stupidity of people wanting to do that sort of stuff?????????? I have not found one and hope I do not....for they're sake.
this crap is a major problem in my parents area. there have been dozens of busted labs (both in fields timbers and houses) within 5 miles of my mom and dad's house. i know it's a matter of time before i stumble onto one, hopefully it's uninhabited cuz although i'm a good shot, multiple methheads could be challenging!

I was just gonna mention Jackson co... Shredder, these cats can be very protective of their labs I would suggest you use your cell and phone the cops because you never know what they will do...

Have never found one but have heard of them being in the areas I hunt... Would rather have mountain lions to be honest.
mole i thought that hitlers product was heroin, i dont know much about drugs that is just what people have told me. i do know that heroin was produced by some government supposedly its name means hero in battle just what i heard. like i said i dont know much but i do have a way of findin pot plants when i am in the woods. who knows.
After reading Bonker's "Nightmare" post, I'm not so sure he doesn't have one in his basement. I also think he does a lot of his own "taste testing".

You got to be careful. Couple of us got dropped off as walkers along a river on a dead end road. Had 10 minutes to kill. I investigated what I thought was a dumping of garbage. Like an idiot I opened up a large cooler, looked new, it floored me with the ammonia smell. I mean to the ground. Never again, lesson learned.
I've aloways been afraid of finding one or catching someone red handed taking NH3 out of a tank in the fall.Maybe they would be so wacked that your dead on the spot! Best to get a licence no and call the police. Most small counties won"t mess with them because of clean up costs! Wonder what a flaming arrow into a lab would do ???
Had a guy from Iowa that stole a car here about a month or so ago, cops here in Prairie (just across the river from Marquette/McGregor Iowa) chased him for 20 miles at upto 120mph up river. He bailed and about an hour later the sheriff sees him and chases him down on foot. Guy pulls open a duffel bag and opens a can of anhydrous on the sheriff and floors him and runs off. They caught him about 4 hrs later hiding in a boat down by the river. He is going to be going away for quite some time.
The sheriff had to be treated at the hospital because of the damage the anhydrous did to him. Here's the story from the paper...
Man leads deputy on high speed chase, downs sheriff with anhydrous ammonia
On Dec. 7 at 9:27 p.m., Crawford County Deputy Doug Olson, while on routine patrol, noticed a white 1994 Ford car northbound on Highway 35 near Go America. The car had been reported stolen from Waukon, Iowa. Deputy Olson pursued the vehicle with emergency lights and siren activated. The stolen vehicle reached speeds of 120 m.p.h., and was passing into oncoming traffic. Five-and-a- half-miles north of Prairie du Chien the vehicle crashed into the guardrail and spun around several times. The vehicle sustained a front and rear flat tire and continued north on Highway 35. The vehicle came to a stop in Ferryville, 22 miles after the chase began. The driver fled on foot. Sheriff Robert Ostrander arrived at the scene shortly after. He found the offender fleeing to the woods. Ostrander had a struggle with the man, and got him to the ground. The man then opened a container of anhydrous ammonia. Ostrander was overcome by the fumes and could not breath. The man then ran into the woods. Surrounding law enforcement agencies were contacted to assist in a foot patrol of the area. At 4:25 a.m. the alleged offender, Dale Michael Lucas, 34, rural Waukon, was apprehended a mile north of Ferryville and taken to the Crawford Sheriff's Department. It was unknown by sheriff's department dispatchers on Monday morning if Ostrander had sought medical attention. Assisting agencies included Clayton and Allamakee Iowa Sheriff's Department, Prairie du Chien Police Department, Crawford County C.R.T. Team, Waukon and Lansing Iowa Police Departments, D.N.E., Vernon County Sheriff's Department, Ferryville Police Department and the Wisconsin Patrol.
HuskerNbgrld: Why do you have to keep typing "Waukon" in your post, couldn't you just say "in Iowa"

I work in law enforcement and believe me the problem is much bigger than alot of people realize. Look at this way, it's so easy to hide and make, someone could be typing on this cite and be cooking a batch right next to them, and you would never know. Not that anyone would do that on this cite.
Found one in Webster Co. Took the Sheriff to it. He stated it had been vacated not that long ago. Nothing ever came from it.The slime will just start up another one in some out of the way place.Would be nice to line them up against a wall
i always keep a eye on my creek and under the brigde that the creek flows through. they make meth under brigdes because it is easy to drop someone off at the brigde and they go and ckeck on the stuff. i saw this happen one night. i had my .222 with me as i saw them going underneth the bridge with the flashlight in hand. after taking several shots at the flashlight the light went out and we have never had any trouble since. as you can tell i don't have much time for people like that. p.s. i still have my .222
Waukon1... Sorry Adrian but I never typed in Waukon (til now) that was from the article in the Courier Press... Guess you will have to change your handle to "IsleofCapri1"
I assume you are still working there... have'nt been over for a while to give them my paycheck so haven't seen ya. Might be there on Friday nite tho... taking the wife out... she's probably gonna want to spend some of my "rainy day" (read hunting and fishing) money.
i've found 3 meth labs and i'm only 16 years old!! the area i started hunting last year- was never hunted or nething by neone, so it was pretty much and abanded forest. after finding the first meth lab while scouting the new area. i called the cops they came out and took pics and all the good stuff away. the next day while hanging stands --- found another one- they came out and did the same. then while bowhunting i decided to get down a lil early and walk along the grass, usually i would walk along the field edge about 125 150 yards away from the grass but i walked in the grass and found an opening in the grass, went over their and sure [censored] a camo cooler was theri so called the cops again-- another meth lab. damn druggys.
Read an article a while ago about guys cookin up the stuff in ice fishing shacks and sinking the evidence when they were finished. Bet they'd freak if a narcotics agent came up through the hole in scuba gear!!
In the newest Field and Streat there is a short artical about meth labs. The story was mainly about Iowa, but they said meth labs showing up frequently in timbers across the midwest.

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