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Meth labs in Iowa

I've never come accross one, but I've transported many, many folks affected one way or the other by it. Usually burns from exposions while cooking it or burns from the ammonia. I have heard that they are cooking it in vans just driveing around.

The 'Bonker
I'm a conservation officer in Indiana and have came across several and even busted a few of them. If you come across propane tanks or coolers be very careful around them. Someone mentioned opening a cooler and getting floored, be very very careful about opening a cooler in the field. Also realize that most of the people cooking are just doing so to get some meth quick because they need it. This means they are very paranoid and dangerous (even though most of them are little punks). Report any evidence you find in the field, as it might help investigators piece together who is doing the cooking.
I agree it is a huge problem here in Iowa, especially the eastern counties. I've dealed with a good number through work and have seen the affects it has on it's users and what the manufacturing process can do to people and property. Pretty damn sad. Greedeem mentioned some good tip offs. Also be aware of gas cans, coleman fuel cans and any other containers that you may happen across. If you suspect, call don't touch. I have yet to come across a lab in the timber, but will not be suprised when I do.

When I first read the title of this post I thought it was some sort of Retriever not a drug. I guess I heard it all now... Draino, all these guys have serious issues, what is this world comin to, there kids , if they'll ever can have them will be the next generations gutter, what will they think of using. ???? What does this substance do to you depressent supressent... I guess they can call em Drainos now instead of Drugies.
ill stick to my buddy wieser
You know I had read this thread before and not until someone posted about Coleman LP tanks did it dawn on me. I have found a few of these inexplicably discarded around the old barns on the property I hunt. I just thought someone was rudely discarding their leftover camping materials. ( Shows how much I know about meth making!)

I wonder if we could prepare a list of items that are tip-offs to meth making that we hunters could be on the lookout for. Sounds like out of place coolers and LP tanks are part of this list. Geesh!
Daver, Im not sure what exactly is in it but I know theyve had to put fences up around the elevators ammonia tanks here.And they use cough medicines for some part of it.

The DNR bought some ground here and found a meth lab on it a couple weeks later, I believe they caught the guys that did it.I also know where another one is but Ive never had the balls to go check it out, i heard it second hand and its supposedly been deserted anyway.

Another house in towns been raided twice and the the people running that one are still on the streets.Apparently the first time they slapped em on the wrist and the second they screwed up the warrant

Another couple, parents of 3 children, are both in prison now for manufacturing.The wife was actually let out to watch after the children pending her court hearing.She didnt show up and when they went to serve the warrant she was cooking up meth again in the basement.

Its a terrible problem right now in this area, Ive heard out by my parents house 3 or 4 labs operating right now but havent seen anything wierd out there.
Guy may have to start carrying some rat poison in their pack......

May be the best way to control this problem!

Does any one know if they use coffee filters to make meth? Int he tiber this past fall, I found about 5 on the ground.....
The main ingredient for a person cooking meth in your part of the country is anhydrous ammonia. I'm sure, just like Indiana, there is a lot of it around at farms and co-ops. A propane tank is the most common way to transport it and may have a different fitting on it then normal. Green around the brass fitting is an indication of anhydrous. Some other items you might find are bubble packs for cold medicine, anything with a high concentration of iodine, the coffee filters, packs of ephidren tablets, and obviously any over the counter chemical container. Butane is also a precursor that is commonly found.

I could smell every lab I ever came across before I could see it. It is usually hidden good and close to a road or water. The road is because they are too damn lazy to walk far, and the water is in case they get anhydrous all over them. If you smell a strong chemical odor you may be near one.
Ok.... now what? So I found coffee filters laying in the timber, should i contact some one? They were laying right on the property line of the land I can't hunt. I'm sure if there was a meth lab back there the 2 groups that hunted the timber would of found them. But the timber is good size, so maybe they passed it.
I haven't found anything else, so maybe it's a coinsodent. But we have been finding ATV tracks, and I hunted the timber every weekend through bow season and didn't hear one ATV. They could be going at night!?!?!?! What sould I do?

calling in a tip probably wouldn't hurt anything. maybe the neighbors hunters found something and didn't call or didn't know what it was. I would be pretty concerned about the ATV tracks if it was my hunting spot and didn't know who it was. if they are cooking at night you can bet they are running deer out of the area - help out your situation a little and let somebody know and keeps your eyes open.
The timber I hunted has coon hunters in there once and a while. So maybe they've seen or smelled something. Plus the 4 wheeler tracks could be from them. I just don't want to get the DNR on a wild goose chase.
True. might want to talk with the land ownder and see how many have permission to be on the land and if he knows of any 4 wheelers. just the coffee filters might be a long shot for a DNR investigation. By chance did you notice if they were used and what was in them? That will tell you a lot.
Just thinking, 3 yrs ago when my daughter was a baby still i was down in Des Moines visiting the wifes family.I went to the store to buy baby formula and got ID for it.Seemed there was a lotta guys using it to cut their meth with before theyd sell it.Just goes to show, theyll snort anything I guesse
There weren't anything in the coffee filters... so there probably insn't enough here to make a case.

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