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Michael Jackson Butter Sculpture at State Fair?


Life Member
Apparently there is quite the controversy around having a sculpture of Michael Jackson in Butter at the Iowa State Fair. They have decided to put it to a vote and abide by the results. To vote for yourself go to:

http://www.iowastatefair.org and click the Vote on Butter Sculpture link.

What do you think?
i put up a link to the vote in the "nuff said" thread yesterday morning. and, i voted NO.

any soldier, or coach ed thomas from postville would be a better choice. hell, damn near ANYONE would be a better choice than a child molester
My vote has been cast for NO! I agree w/ T-Roy and like I said in the "nuff said" post this has been completely annoying on the news. We should not idolize this guy and he has no real influence on Iowan's in general.

Why not some our local soldiers or even coach Thomas if you are looking for REAL heros that have positively influenced Iowan's lives. And to reiterate from the other thread - Coach Thomas touched the lives of so many young men in a positive and influential way, not touching young men in the pants like MJ.

Vote No for MJ for god sake!
ed thomas butter sculpture would be great. i cant believe they would eve think of mj for the one and only iowa state fair. he has no ties to iowa i wouldnt care if he did. ed thomas butter sculpture, we need to nominate this somehow

You guys must have some real losers running your state fair down there!!!

What the heck does MJ have to do with the Iowa state fair??

Whose genius idea was it to even consider this??
this descision came from the fair, the sculptor doesn't want mj. the fair is doing a butter sculpture of niel armstrong, as its the 40th aniversary of his walk on the moon. off to the side, they want mj doing his "moonwalk". back when mj was a black kid, the jackson5 played the state fair (1971)

as dumb as that is....there is the reasoning.
You suppose the real MJ would have melted down as easy as his "potential" butter sculpture with all the plastic he had on him?

Okay, I'm a sicko, but really! Give us a TRUE American Hero!
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