Mid November better than Early November??


PMA Member
As hard as it will be, next year I'm bumping my vacation back and going to hunt a little later in the month. The last 4 years that I have taken off for the rut I have been hunting in the range of the 5th-16th. For me the first couple of days is pretty good, tons of little bucks, but very very little mature buck activity.

Then around the 13th or 15th it seems to bust loose, and get very good.
My last three bow kills, all mature deer have been 13th, 14th, and 15th(not in that order). This years hunt was much the same, started on the 6th and hunted everyday up to the day I killed on the 13th. First mature buck I seen was on the 12th, with two mature bucks dogging a doe. I hunted hard, kept stands pretty fresh across several properties, spooked very few deer, and racked up 60+ hours before seeing a shooter.

The days after I killed I was out driving around my hunting area moving hay, fixing fence, and so on. I was out in my hunting area driving around a good portion of the day and literally seen deer all day long with bucks out cruising anytime of the day. You know the activity you dream of while spending time on the stand. I seem to observe this every year after about the mid of the month.

My personal opinion is this; we have a good population of does, and really limited hunting pressure so in turn a good population of bucks and a good age class of bucks. I think as does start coming in the bucks lock up pretty hard really quick and they don't seem to travel much to find that first doe. Then about the 15th or so they start breaking off the does, have to travel farther to find the last few does, the weather is starting to cool off, and bam great daylight movement in my area. I'm in southern KS, usually it is pretty warm in late October and early November, but this year was cooler but I still never seen the early action.

Do my observations sound like they have merit? I still believe in hunting as much as time allows, which for me is limited to weekends until I take my week of vacation, but I always seem to get down to the wire before I kill, or if I don't kill the activity seems to pick up the week when I'm back at work.

Just wanting some feedback, it's going to be hard to set out the "Best Days", but I have never had good luck during that period.

Have any of you guys ever seen this, or is your best movement early in the month and just slide off slowly from there?

Thanks for any input.
My best movement is usually between the 20th and 27th. I believe it's because the mature bucks lock down around the 12th and from that moment so many does are in estrous as soon as they are done with one they move right to the next. Around next week less does will be hot which means the big boys will have to cruise more in search of them.

Can't wait to hunt hard or thanksgiving break
From the looks of my camera, I am doing a split vacation next year... It will be the last 7 days of October... and then starting the 11th or so of November for another 7-10 days... according to my cameras and sightings, these have been the times in my neck of the woods the past two years... and the first week of November has been a dud for me..
I've seen much better mature buck activity in mid-late November than early november.
I've had decent luck seeing mature bucks early November, but usually only one per day (sometimes not even that). I've been told be there the 4th-6th no matter what, but have also been told that a lot of activity starts second week of November, probably starting around the 12-14th. Also a lot of claims on here about mid to late November, especially around Thanksgiving. Can't say I have noticed much more for mature buck activity later in the month on stand, but I do get a few pics during that time frame. I still have my tag, so I guess I will see if there is much activity later in November this year. I have never used my archery tag on a buck later than Nov. 10 tho, but that's either because I've already tagged out or don't get a chance at anything I want to use it for after that.
I've always favored mid to late November over early November. Granted I will still be in a tree whenever possible during November, but the weekend before and after Thanksgiving are probably my two best as far as mature buck encounters. Less chasing but more cruising.
"Give me cruising over chasing any day"

Bingo - we have a winner. I agree with this statement 100%