Mike Hansen 2003 Floyd River Buck


Active Member
On 11-8-03 My friend Mike Hansen Shot a nice 9 point buck. The story is one he will never forget.
It was him and a friend by the name of jj. They where both sitting in a fence line on a big rock in the middle of a field. They were just going out to see this deer that people have been talking about. So they brought the cam corder to see if they could get him on film. Next thing you know this deer steps out of the grove of this old farm place.
They had a decoy set out and some scent. Well next thing you know this deer is coming there way. JJ draws back on him and they both figured that he was at about 35 yards, well he ended shooting just under him. So the deer takes off. They start grunting and doing a little rattling. Well once again the deer heads back down to them. Ears back, stiff legged, puffed up and ready, so jj gets ready once again to try and take this buck, so mike tells him to draw again and they try to figure out what yardage he is at again. Well they figured about 40 this time and jj lets the arrow fly. Shoots right under him again, so the deer takes off once again. Don't forget this is all on film and these two never hunt off the ground. So they repeat the process again and he comes back again and he is doing the same thing as the other times. So as these two have this deer at ten yards on the other side of the brush he ends up starting to walk into Mike's lane at about 8 yards the next thing you see is the camera getting set down, you hear him draw and all of a sudden thoowap. Right after that you hear some comments that i can't post, then mike picks the camera back up and shows the deer standing in the middle of the field.
So after they watch him lay down in the field they back out and find the group of guys. They show us the film and tell the story, so we wait and hour and a half to go and get him.
Well we get out to go look for him and follow the blood trail in the field and sure enough 2 of the guys come upon him right where they saw him lay down and one of them runs up to it and grabs it's antler's. Next thing you know he is getting up and start kinda running away.
So we all leave and talk about what we are going to do. We decide to leave him and come back at midnight to find him. He was hurting pretty bad and we figured he would be dead by the time we get back.
So we get back there around midnight and find the deer 25 yards from where we kicked him up. He was dead and it ended up being a liver shot. Now is when it gets crazy.
We had 3 pickups out in the field and we all decide to go to Mike's place and hang this deer up. Well as soon as we pull into the driveway. There are 2 town cops stop, 1 county mounty, 2 state troopers, and a dnr officer which showed up a little later. they start checking are vehicles for guns and so on. They really thought they had something. Well of course there are guns in the pickups because it is pheasant season.
Well turns out one of the cops was out taking a leak on a gravel road and thought he heard a gun shot. So they thought we poached this deer. After they found out that the whole hunt was on video they kinda backed out with the stupidest looks on there faces. Need less to say it was an interesting hunt all around.
Sorry it was so long
You should have made a citizen's arrest on the cop who took a pee on the road for public urination. Or videotaped him doing it and put it on your local cable channel with the sub-title "your tax dollars at work".

can't figure out how to post these pictures. would someone like to do it for me. I can email the pictures to you.
I was able to downsize the photo then load it. Remember this time of the year there could be a Rut delay.
Re: Mike Hansen 2003 Floyd River Buck *DELETED*

Post deleted by OneCam
Even RoboCop has to pi$$.
Besides urinating in public is only illegal if done inside the city limits. No state code on it.
Cops are easy targets. If they did nothing you would not have been happy either.
With that many guys in a open field you could have bum rushed it!
Good thing no beers got consumed while waiting to go back out a midnight to get him or you would have even less appreciation for the boys in blue.
(the coolers in the photo appear stored to me

Is mike's username Livershot?