Mineral and feeding ban:


Well-Known Member
I have been away for awhile. What is the progress of the mineral and feeding ban? Has it passed? I wrote some emails. wonder if I had time to write some more. Thanks.
Its banned. They have been given permission to shoot on sight if you are caught using mineral. If you survive the shooting then you will be punished with a class 'A' felony and life in prison.
Its banned. They have been given permission to shoot on sight if you are caught using mineral. If you survive the shooting then you will be punished with a class 'A' felony and life in prison.

Dang dude, fealing ornery today?
sureshot1, are you being serious, it is banned? Man, like loneranger, I'm looking for an update as well. Hope that's not the case!?!?
It did not pass? I am surprized. The way things are going,,you do feel like a criminal doing anything outside.
I am still curious as to why it did not pass? What were the arguments against? I thought it would be a sure thing.
Not that I want to start this debate all over again, but like I said in a post in another thread, America is all about making choices. Unfortunately there are times when the government has to step in and tell us what is in our own best interests. I believe this is one of those times.

Next time you get in your car what is the first thing you are going to do? OK, you'll probably close the door. But then you will hook up your seatbelt. Why? Because it’s the law or because it’s the right thing to do? If you are as old as I am, at first it was probably because it was the law. Now I can’t imagine even backing the truck out of the garage without it on. Anybody wanna debate whether or not that was a good intervention on the part of our government?

We can all make choices, it is when the choices we are free to make have a negative effect on the rest of America that the government may have to step in and limit those choices. Next time you click that seatbelt think about how the government may have saved your life. Next time you spread out a bag of corn or pile of mineral think about why the government wants to ban wildlife feeding and what you may be doing to the wildlife you are trying to help.

Make the choice, it is up to you, but your choice will affect us all.

The ‘Bonker
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Hey Bonker,
Do you ever drive over the posted speed limit with your seatbelt on? It's enforced because not only is it the safest maximum speed allowed on an individual roadway for the individual operating the vehicle, but it also is designed to help protect other motorist sharing the road with the same individual. You can make the choice to speed, or not to, but your choice could affect everyone else on the road around you.
Jamie, you are correct in your observations about speeding. We could trade posts all day about what is legal, what is not legal, what is safe and what is not safe. Bottom line is we all make choices that have far reaching effects.

We did things in the 60’s that we thought were safe without any far reaching effects only to find out a decade or two later that it was unsafe. As it is today we are doing things that we think are safe but in a decade or two we will find out how silly we were. I truly hope that wildlife feeding stands the test of time, but in these days of ever increasing cases of disease in deer, I am fearful that it will not.

The ‘Bonker
Is there data that proves CWD is spread through mineral stations or feeding? Guess I figured it had a lot more to do with a deer riding on a trailer from Colorado to Wisconsin than anything I put on the ground.
That is good cause I sure as heck was not going to fill in the old mineral stations/pits the deer have made over the years.